摘要: | 自2011年來,智慧型手機、平板電腦崛起,帶動觸控面板尺寸提高,也帶動全球觸控面板產值成長,觸控面板的應用逐步由小尺寸走向中大尺寸,並由電阻式移往投射式電容觸控面板。2013年在微軟力推Window8的驅動下,使觸控在IT產品應用需求漸增,帶動中大尺寸觸控面板需求成長。電子書、醫療儀器設備、車載系統、工業用電腦等利基市場,也是本產業廠商積極佈局的市場。 本研究採個案研究法,以國內生產中大尺寸觸控面板知名廠商E公司為研究對象,以Porter的五力分析、SWOT分析與相關的策略管理理論為基礎,檢視企業所擁有的資源與能力,協助個案E公司建立競爭優勢。 本研究發現,雖然觸控面板的應用愈來愈廣泛,也開發出不同技術的產品,以符合終端產品的需求,市場需求也大幅成長,但在製造廠商大舉擴充產能及彩色濾光片廠、LCD廠相繼投入生產觸控面板行列,造成觸控面板供過於求的劇烈競爭環境。廠商除應加強上下游整合,降低產品成本、提升良率、效率等措施外,應跳離此舊思維框框,替公司找出更具競爭優勢的經營策略。 本研究建議,個案公司的產能目前並不符規模經濟,資本額太小,募資不易,但研發團隊能力強,擁有將近40項國際專利。該公司若繼續用不符規模經濟的工廠產能,在競爭激烈的市場上廝殺,可能很快就會被淘汰。近年來同業間的專利訴訟,時有所聞,也帶給下游客戶很大的困擾。若個案公司將工廠裁撤,專心致力於新設計、新技術、新材料、新製程、新型專利研發,活化公司無形資產,做專利授權、整廠輸出、技術移轉的服務,個案公司應能脫離市場上的不利競爭,轉為智慧財產權輸出服務的公司,個案公司應可藉此轉型,繼續在觸控面板業,保有競爭優勢。;Since 2011, the touch panel industry has evolved from small size to medium and large size, and from resistive touch panel to projective capacitive touch panel due to the increasing demands of smart phone and tablet and the promotion of new Windows 8 of Microsoft. Touch panel companies also serve E-book, medical equipment, vehicle system, and industry computer as new niche markets in recent touch panel industry. This study aims to understand how Taiwanese touch panel companies to gain competitive advantages in the touch panel industry. We conduct a case study on E Company and analyze the case with Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, and Hill and Jones’s theoretical perspective. The results show that companies in the touch panel industry are increasing their manufacturing capacity in order to reduce costs and increase market shares, but the overall capacity of the touch panel industry has been oversupply. We suggest that not only do companies need to enhance vertical integration, reduce product costs, increase yield rate and efficiency, but also refine their business model and strategy out of box. For E Company, several weaknesses have to be resolved, including diseconomies of production scale, less capital and funding problems. We suggest that E Company can close its factories and focus on patent licensing. E Company can utilize its R&D capability to create new products, technologies, materials, manufacturing processes, and patents. These can help the company engage in a new business model that focuses on patent licensing, resulting in competitive advantage. |