本研究以台北市基層診所為研究對象,運用地理資訊系統與資料探勘技術建構一個選址預測模型,提供選址規則給予基層診所業者參考。本研究主要貢獻包括: (一)實務上,基層診所開業者可利用這個選址模型,快速找出適合的開業地點,節省選址成本(時間、金錢、交通、人力)。 (二)研究方法方面,以往影響選址的因素是由專家填寫問卷來選定,而本研究運用資料探勘技術結合地理資訊系統來選定選址相關因子,此方法可提供給此領域的學者參考,亦可提供一個較客觀的選址評選資訊給業者參考。 (三)理論方面,本研究可驗證文獻中所提出的選址模型的正確性與合理性。 (四)長遠來看,政府醫療單位可藉由本研究所建構之選址規則來評估醫療資源分配情形,找出較缺乏資源的地區,以更有效且均勻的分配醫療資源。 ;In the past 10 years, the number of clinics in Taiwan has increased gradually, and the scale of hospitals has become larger, making the market of medical care in Taiwan more competitive. Therefore, to find an optimum location effectively and quickly is critical for new entrants to develop the business. This issue is not well addressed in the literature.
To fill this knowledge gap, this study proposes a model to help select the most suitable site for a medical clinic, combining Geographic Information System (GIS) and data mining. Using data from a primary survey of clinics and various secondary sources in Taipei, we analyzed the critical determinants of clinic location choice. We expect to provide information showing where to open a clinic, which would help clinic owners reduce operation costs.