目前台灣地區的橋梁普遍以目視檢測作為橋梁維護管理之第一步驟,因此目視檢測本身的資料正確性及完整度將直接影響橋梁後續各項維護管理工作之進行。建築資訊模型是一個以構件為基礎之資料模型,具備儲存設施全生命週期資料、物件導向、參數化及3D以上視覺模型等特性,而這些特性恰可應用於輔助橋梁目視檢測的作業上。本研究之目的在於建立一個以構件為基礎之資料模型,從目視檢測的工作流程開始,分析流程內的各工作項目並探討其所需及產出之資料,再根據資料之性質做分類,以此建立一個以構件為基礎之資料模型。資料模型建立完畢後,將於研究的最後回歸目視檢測之作業流程,探討本研究所提之資料模型在目視檢測流程各階段中所帶來之可能應用。;Building Information Model (BIM) has been introduced recently and gradually used in both engineering-related studies and practical cases. This study purpose is to apply BIM to bridge inspection using object-oriented and multi-dimension techniques. Taking data samples from the current databank of the Taiwan Bridge Management System (TBMS), we were able to locate items, which require manual inspections. The customer-oriented BIM could be built including bridge basic information, historical inspection records, and deterioration data. The study also provided the concepts of how the customer-oriented database design layout is and what the association rules between items are. The implementation demonstrated how a real deterioration is displayed on the interface of BIM and the convenience that current manual inspection can reach. The study suggests that bridge maintenance should consider all phases to reach the optimal benefits by the proposed model. An enhanced model based on the lifecycle management aspect should be beneficial to practitioners.