近年翻轉教室備受教師們的關注,已有許多教師將翻轉教室應用於國文、數學、電子、生物及醫學等領域相關的課程,但應用於管理領域的課程鮮少。此外,過去翻轉教室的研究多專注翻轉教室對學習成效之影響,但卻很少注意學生的學習態度或動機,故本研究採用楊國樞與余安邦 (1987)提出的成就動機理論為核心,探討其對「教學成效」及「學生再次參與翻轉教室的意願」之影響,而教學成效是根據學生的學習成績與課程滿意度作為衡量指標。 本實驗採用場地實驗法,應用於某大學資管系組織行為課程,課程依據葉丙成所提出的「BTS翻轉教室」教學方式設計,並透過問卷蒐集資料,經資料分析後發現:(1)個我取向成就動機對學習成績有正向影響;(2)個我取向成就動機對課程滿意度有正向影響;(3)學習成績對再次參與翻轉教室的意願無影響;(4)課程滿意度對再次參與翻轉教室的意願有部分影響;(5)個我取向成就動機對再次參與翻轉教室的意願會受課程滿意度的中介效果影響。 根據實驗結果與發現,本研究提出多項建議,包含,翻轉教室的實施過程中,應配合學生在不同面向的成就動機與其強弱,而採適性化的教學策略,以提高教學成效。 ;Recently, the flipped classroom, an pedagogical strategy, has caught many teachers’ attention. The flipped classroom reverses the traditional classroom by asking students watching online lectures and engaging in classroom discussion activities. This study employs the achievement motivation theory which was developed by of Yu and Yang (1987) to explore the relationship between teaching effectiveness and re-participation intention in the flipped classroom setting. The study used quasi-experimental method and applied to the course of organization behavior at a northern university in Taiwan. The datum were collected through questionnaires. The study found five point through data analysis. First, individual-oriented achievement motivation has a positive effect on student′s examination results. Second, individual-oriented achievement motivation has a positive effect on satisfaction of the flipped classroom. Third, student’s examination results does not effect on re-participation intention. Forth, satisfaction of the flipped classroom has partially effect on re-participation intention. Finally, satisfaction of the flipped classroom has a mediating effect between individual-oriented achievement motivation and re-participation intention.