社群網路的興起和通訊技術的發展為人類帶來革命性的變革,在現今互動連結時代的資訊社會裡,網路使用成為日常生活不可或缺的一部分,網路行為的重要性有凌駕社會行為之勢,受到各領域的重視。人格特質是心理學理論的發展基礎,被視為對認知與行為有絕對的影響,也是決定人類外顯行為的根本來源。目前學術界已有發展完備的人格量表,在各領域中擁有多元用途,但受到網路環境與特性的限制,所以將人格量表運用在網路環境中,其範圍與適用性會有所爭議,而針對網路世界裡的人格衡鑑的量表,目前仍然付之闕如。實際上,個體在網路上之的網路行為所反映出網路人格,有別於真實生活中的人格特質;而個體在網路上所顯現的行為時常有別於現實生活中的行為。因此,發展適合檢測網路人格的量表發展實屬必要,有助人類網路行為的預測及瞭解。 五大人格內容包括神經質、外向型、開放性、友善性以及嚴謹性,為目前學界最為廣泛使用於預測網路行為的人格量表,除五大人格之外,自戀人格和網路行為息息相關,也是現今網路時代為最受重視的人格特質之一。有鑑於此,本研究以五大人格量表和自戀人格量表為基礎,針對網路環境下個體的行為特徵,依據過去學者所建議的量表發展程序及相關文獻,發展網路人格量表,並驗證個體在網路上的人格特質,本研究蒐集台灣不同類型的大學生樣本,以完整版網路人格量表和簡表來檢測其適用性,本研究結果顯示,本網路人格量表信效度表現大致良好,可用於檢測網路人格。最後,本研究提出研究結果與建議,以作為實務需求及未來研究之基礎。 ;Online behavior in information society has become an indispensable part of our daily life. Therefore, network behavior becomes an important issue in academic inquiry in recent years. Personality traits are regarded as important determinant of behavior, and different kind of personality scales have been applied for diverse purposes in different settings. But its utilization in Internet environment, for any prediction of network behavior, may have limits in scope and applicability due to the differences between real-life and the cyber world. This study argues that personality in the cyber world may differ from real-life, and propose to call it “E-personality.” As such, it is necessary to establish a measurement scale for “E-personality.” Currently, well-validated personality scales exist for practical and academic use. Without well-developed e-personality measures, they have been employed in the internet settings. This study attempts to develop a measure for E-personality in the Internet environment. It is based on the Big Five personality and narcissistic personality scales. This study sampled university students from different types of universities in Taiwan as informants for scale validation, and analyze the reliability and validity of the E-personlaity scale (both full and short versions) through confirmatory factor analysis. Results show that the E-personlaity scale has sufficient reliability, validity and modle fit, and thus this study suggests that it is suitable for measuring E-personality.