本研究以大型輸液產品包裝容器的發展歷程、產業市場概況、官方政策的推動沿革,說明大型輸液產品的產業特性,並指出外在環境及官方政策制度等因素對大型輸液產業推動發展的影響。 國內大型輸液市場規模小,成長趨緩,健保藥價及官方的政策、法規皆為影響國內大型輸液藥品市場經營艱困的主因。已30年以上歷史的大型輸液產業,面對這些困境時,如何藉由研究此產業之特性,找出競爭條件,擬定經營策略以找尋企業保有持續競爭力,讓利潤與投資之間有良性循環,對大型輸液產業而言,是非常值得探討的主題。基於此,本研究將搜集的資料透過SWOT分析,剖析台灣大型輸液內部環境資源的優劣勢,與外部環境的機會與威脅;再藉由五力分析,探討台灣大型輸液產業的外在威脅及其競爭環境,試著提出本產業的競爭條件與經營發展策略的建議。 本研究分析出台灣大型輸液產業之競爭條件:(1)對新進者形成進入障礙;(2)減少價格競爭策略;(3)進行市場滲透;(4)導入多元差異化產品。本研究提出產業面的策略建議為:(1)技術創新、市場區隔策略;(2)重視購買者的滿意度,強化顧客關係;(3)提供差異化,環境友善產品;(4)多元生產與經營。另外,本研究並對政策面提出三項建議:(1)建構扶助國內企業發展的優質政策;(2)透過官方力量帶動愛護地球與帶動產業升級;(3)運用政策鼓勵專業分工、整合業者集中生產。;In recent years, the Large Volume Parenteral (hereinafter referred to as “LVP”) industry in Taiwan that in the face of compliance pressures of authorities, quality/safety requirements should be continuous improvement for medical drug, the market is small, growth has slowed down, inter-industry more intense competition, cause to the gross margins continue decreased. The LVP industry should be to address how companies can map out a strategy to seize the initiative and obtain competitive advantage. Based on this motivation, this study collected domestic authority regulations and the background of the industry, and employed the SWOT analysis and Porter five forces analysis to trying identify/investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the industry competition strategy and developing trends in the LVP industry. This study is based on the SWOT matrix analysis and the five forces competitive strategy model, explores the industry’s business environment. By secondary data analysis, study the competitive environments and the key influences factors in the management and development strategies. The results of the case study suggest the LVP industry future development and business strategies as follows: 1. Technology innovation and market segmentation strategy; 2. Pay attention to consumer satisfactions, and strengthen customer relations; 3. Provide a differentiation strategy and/or environmentally friendly products; 4. Multiple production and management.