現代社會交易行為中,新型態的支付工具-信用卡,已佔有不可或缺的地位,而在臺灣亦是如此。但卻意外的在2005年產生雙卡風暴並席捲全台,產生許多卡債族,進而引發一連串金融社會問題,然而,於當時消費者僅得依現有破產法之相關規定為債務清理,但破產法卻將有廣大債務清理需求之債務人拒於保護的大門外,也因如此,促成立法機關於2007年制定消債條例並於2008年正式施行。 消債條例施行至今,已走過八個年頭,而依司法院以及法律扶助基金會之統計資料顯示,前者之數據說明進行前置協商程序、聲請更生、清算程序之卡債族人數,除於施行之該年度為高峰外,至今每年平均僅約有一萬六千之聲請人數,然而,將此些聲請人數與實際卡債人數相比,仍為冰山一角;後者之數據顯示部分的卡債族,沒有任何管道得知現行之債務清理機制,甚或是完全不知有消債條例,足以提供其為債務清理。由此可見,仍有部分卡債族是無法受消債條例之保護。在金融機構方面,為因應消債條例之實行,除改善其本身之授信、風險管控、不良債權處理等內部查核機制外,對外則採取消極不主動之態度,將兩者綜合觀之,將使得立法者之為債務清理美意無法順利傳達。在另外一方面,債務清理法制乃為現代先進國家之必備法規範之一,而我國之消債條例等相關法制,乃係參酌美國之《聯邦破產法典》、預防濫用破產暨消費者保護法案以及日本民事再生法為制定。然而,為配合本文之需求,將以美國作為外國立法例之參考主軸。 因此,為緩解消債條例無法使部分卡債族受到保護之現象,以及全面性提升債務清理程序中之消費者保護,本文乃透過修正現行信用卡定型化契約範本以及信用卡定型化契約應記載不得記載事項之不足部分,將原先被排除於外之債務清理三大機制,明訂於信用卡定型化契約範本以及信用卡應記載不得記載事項中,以此方式,得以強制使用定型化契約為辦卡之金融機構,能確實將消債條例中所提供之債務清理機制傳達消費者。此外,為從根本層面,提供消費者正確之個人財務及消費信用之概念,本文將希冀導入美國預防濫用破產暨消費者保護法案中之消費信用諮詢及個人財務管控教育課程概念於我國消債條例中,以維真正的經濟重生。 ;In 2005, Credit card and Cash card crisis had a huge impacted on Taiwan′s financial markets. The crisis not only effected socio-economic, but also people realized that laws alone don’t solve the problems. Therefore, the event invoked “The Consumers Debt Clearance Act” in 2007 and was enacted in 2008.
According to Judicial Yuan, the statistic showed that except from 2008, the average number of applicants for the past eight years was sixteen thousands, which is a lot less then the actual numbers of Taiwanese in credit card debt. Surprisingly, the research from the Legal Aid Foundation showed that some of the Taiwanese carrying credit card debt had no information about the procedure of The Consumers Debt Clearance Act. But on the other hand, the legislation has been one of the most important laws in developed countries. Hence, the thesis referenced Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, United States Bankruptcy Code chapter 7 and 13.
To increase the debtors’ understanding of The Consumers Debt Clearance Act, the thesis will present two solutions to this case. First to amend standardized contracts and second to revise The Consumers Debt Clearance Act by referencing Pre-Petition Consumer Credit Counseling and Financial Management Instructional Courses of Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.