人的認知資源是有限的,如何將注意力投注在關鍵的人事物,對於生存極其重要。注意力的導引可被區分為由刺激特性驅動或是由目標導向的控制方式,而依附性導引(contingent reorienting)則是同時根據兩種控制所產生的注意力導引過程。過去的神經造影研究指出腹側及背側的注意力網路和依附性導引有密切的關係,然而這些發現大多建立在相關性的神經造影證據,缺乏因果性證據的支持與時序上詳細的動態變化。 本論文研究著重在利用跨顱磁刺激及腦電波來了解依附性注意力導引的神經生理機制。在本研究中,跨顱磁刺激實驗建立了右腹側注意力網路與依附性注意力導引之間的因果關係。而在後續的腦電波實驗,實驗結果發現當發生依附性注意力導引時,theta波的振盪情形會產生顯著的變化,且此振盪變化在不同實驗階段中,頭皮上及訊號來源的分布皆有所不同。此結果顯示在不同階段時,依附性注意力導引可能是由不同腦區所主導,而左側注意力網路可能在導引初期仍舊有可能負責部分功能。綜合以上發現,本研究同時提供了關於注意力網路運作的因果性證據及時序上腦區的動態變化。 ;In the visual world, rapidly reorienting to relevant objects outside the focus of attention is vital for survival. This ability from the interaction between goal-directed and stimulus-driven attentional control is termed contingent reorienting. Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated activations of the ventral and dorsal attentional networks are related to contingent capture, but the causal evidence and the temporal dynamics of the attentional networks still remain unclear. Hence, this thesis used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate the underlying neural mechanism of contingent reorienting. The TMS results demonstrate a critical involvement of the right ventral attentional network in contingent reorienting and reveal the spatial selectivity within such network. On the other hand, the EEG results show that theta band oscillations and inter-trial coherence varied between hemispheres and experimental sessions during contingent reorienting. Overall, these findings elucidate the natures of attentional control with causal evidence and temporal profile.