在探討選擇注意力的研究中,認為注意力歷程是由刺激驅動以及自主性控制兩者互動所控制,這樣的現象稱之為「主動式注意力攫取」。根據神經模型指出,注意力控制歷程分別由兩個神經網路負責,一為背側網路,主要負責自主性控制,維持注意力設定;而腹側網路,與突現刺激的處理有關。在近二十年的研究觀察到,焦慮症患者的注意力易受到負向、威脅性的刺激影響而改變。注意力控制理論 (attentional control theory)認為這樣的現象是由於焦慮干擾了背側網路以及腹側網路互動的平衡。根據此理論的假設,本研究欲探討長期的特質焦慮性格,是否會影響一般人的注意力控制歷程以及背後的神經機制。 本研究利用 RSVP ( repid serial visual presentation, 快速序列視覺呈現)作業,並操弄不同顏色的干擾物以建立主動式注意力攫取。研究結果發現,高低特質焦慮受試者在行為表現以及 N2pc 成份均觀察到與目標物相關的干擾物出現時,注意力攫取現象所受到的影響最大,符合主動式注意力攫取的理論。而更進一步的分析發現,相較於低特質焦 慮受試者,高特質焦慮受試者在目標物相關的干擾物產生的 N2pc 成份要來的大。此外,也發現到當干擾物呈現在左視野時,高特質焦慮受試者的行為表現比干擾物呈現在右視野時來的差。本研究顯示,特質焦慮的確干擾了左右腦活動的平衡,尤其使得右腦過度活化,並造成了向左的注意力偏誤現象。;Attention may be captured by salient stimuli, but this effect is determined by top-down control settings, a phenomenon called "contingent capture". Previous theoretical approaches claimed that anxiety impairs attentional control processing by disrupting the balance between top-down and bottom-up attentional control systems (Eysenck et al., 2007) resulting in anxious individuals having difficulty resisting distraction. The present study tests this assumption by investigating the relationship between individual differences in trait anxiety and attentional distraction by task-irrelevant stimuli in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm while the electroencephalogram was recorded. Analysis of the behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of attentional control processing for three different distractors showed a larger capture effect in the target-relevant distractor condition than the non-target relevant distractor and the distractor absent condition both in high trait anxiety and low trait anxiety groups, states that capture effects appear to be contingent on top-down attention settings. Moreover, high trait anxiety participants generated a larger N2pc in the target-relevant distractor condition and their behavioral performance was worse when distractors presented in the left visual field. The findings in this study suggested that trait anxiety influence the balance between two hemispheres especially in hyperactivation of the right ventral attention network, resulting in a leftward attentional asymmetry effect in spatial orienting.