現今行動裝置的使用率逐年上升,網頁開發的進入門檻逐漸降低,各家企業紛紛開 始專注於開發出一個最佳的使用者經驗網頁,因此行動網頁元素的設計顯得更加重要。 本研究希望探討網頁元素在什麼樣的設計下,能在行動網頁上有最好的呈現方式,此外, 本研究加入人格特質調節變數,來分析人格是否會影響使用者對元素設計的感受,再進 一步探討整體行動網頁的使用者經驗。 本研究以「實驗室研究法」,探討行動網頁介面常使用的兩個元素:「導覽選單」與 「網格版面」,本實驗透過這兩項元素的複雜度設計,並利用任務情境,讓使用者實際 的瀏覽與操作介面。實驗結束後,以問卷量測的分析方式,探討使用者的人格特質以及 對介面的感知複雜度,並分析出最佳的使用者經驗設計模式。 本研究的受測人數共 149 人,使用 SPSS, AMOS 與 SmartPLS 3.0 進行資料分析與 模型推論。研究結果發現:(1) 網格版面這項元素對感知複雜度的影響,會受到導覽選 單的調節。(2) 本研究也發現人格特質、導覽選單、網格版面三者的交互作用會與感知 複雜度有顯著的影響。(3) 使用者對介面的感知複雜度越高,其對於網頁介面的使用者 經驗,會有負向的影響。;Nowadays people are spending more and more time on mobile devices for web browsing. Therefore, the issue of user experience of websites becomes important to attract sticky users. This study attempts to explore the conditions for mobile website interface design, to achieve good user experience. In addition, the moderating effects of personality traits on the effects of these design elements on user experience are also explored. A laboratory experiment was carried out in this study. Two of the design complexity elements, namely, “Navigation levels” and “Grid Layout” were chosen as manipulated independent variables. The experiment assigned each informant with a task requiring him/her to operate a mobile web page with different interfaces. User experience, perceived complexities and user’s personally traits were measured with questionnaires after usage. A total of 149 informants were recruited, and their responses were collected and analyzed. Analysis tools, including SPSS, AMOS and SmartPLS 3.0 were used for data analysis and inferences. Results show that: (1) navigation levels and grid layout interacts to affect perceived complexity, (2) the above effect is moderated by personality traits, and (3) perceived complexity have a negative influence on user experiences.