其中研究二還另外加入相互教學法,與翻轉教室相輔相成,促進學生在課堂上的討 論與反思,藉此逐步激發出學生們的高認知能力,如:創造層次。而研究結果發現,透過 研究一與研究二的觀察,除了已幫助學生跳脫傳統教學基本的記憶、理解認知層次,並 提升在工程教育中應有的應用與分析等認知層次外,也逐漸激發出學生們在該領域的新 思維和創新想法,但未來仍存在我們能繼續改進的地方和努力方向。;Compare to traditional engineering education, it is common that students have little training on project implementation or less chances to cultivate their abilities of communication, expression, and creativity. Therefore, we hope to incorporate project based learning(PBL), flipped classroom, and reciprocal teaching into the classroom to help students become better team players and also enhance their advanced cognitive skills through multiple activities.
The object of study one is twelve graduate students from a university in Taiwan, major in Electrical Engineering and took "Signal Processing of Power Quality Disturbances" class in their first year. They were divided into six groups with two students per group. The results show that the learning activities we incorporated into the class have put a weight on students′ loading. Therefore, students have no enough time to think about new ideas or move forward to develop their advanced cognitive skills such as evaluation or creative ability.
The study two shares the same background of object and same teacher as study one, except only ten students included in the study. However, we had made suggestions to group students through questionnaires based on their tendency of leadership and creativity for five groups with two on each group. The results show that students′ advanced cognitive skills improve gradually through and students are satisfied for this course via online survey.
Compare to study one, the plan of study two is more flexible and hence to reduce students′ class loading. Furthermore, we arranged LabView course at a computer lab twice per month. The goal is to enhance students′ concept knowledge and develop their advanced cognitive skills through hands on practice. We have found students gradually develop their advanced cognitive skills. In the future, we hope to work continually and find out more to improve students′ learning experiences on this field.