本計畫旨在設計以合科教學為目標的數位人文交融的虛實互動創遊<華戎道>,以歐亞大陸的交通與文化交流為主題,緊扣國高中史地各年段從華夏至國際的課綱,透過遊戲課程讓學生體驗華夏與戎夷的相互關係。學生在實體的大地圖上建置立體裝置與模型,透過NFC及Arduino等軟硬體應用,驅動數位動畫歷史故事劇場、擴增實境塔防遊戲,並以仿生機器人進行競合策略遊戲。再透過物聯技術聯結裝置與資料庫,建立智慧互動小小世界,讓學生在創客與議題探討中,應用課堂所學知識,促進批判思考、溝通協調、跨域合作、解決問題的科技與人文素養。四個遊戲層次以認知內容為主的互動劇場卡牌創遊、競合策略的擴增實境塔防創遊、智慧控制的智能運算仿生創遊、與科技自造物聯創遊等,進行堆疊式開發。另外,計畫建置多模遊戲行為分析系統,將遊戲歷程資料與影音記錄等大數據,透過自然語言與內容分析AI系統,以編碼主軸自動產生遊戲動態行為互動模式與結構分析結果。輔以研究員專業解析與事後訪談交叉比對,以視覺化的樣貌呈現,全面性的瞭解遊戲中玩家特性與其之間的競合情況與策略使用樣貌。 ;This research aims to develop an interdisciplinary digital humanity convergence model linking with mixed interaction inventive game <Eurasia Passage> in line with secondary school curriculum concerning European and Asian geography and history so the students learn about the interconnections of the various cultural groups in that regions. On the big map, the students would build buildings and gadgets inserted with NFCs and sensors that are linked with interactive digital animations, games, theatrical narratives, and AR tower defense games which are presented through smart phones. The students can also use block coding to control the biomimetic robots to play the co-opetition strategic games and be immersed in the historical scenarios. They would role-play the countries working in the summit to solve historical conflict problems so that their 5C abilities and technological humanity literacy can be nurtured. The project is a series of compiled games that are accumulated from year to year. First year is a card-based interactive theatrical game with corresponding curriculum focused on the subject content. Second year is an AR tower defense game focusing on strategic coopetition. The third year is the robotic game with computational thinking using smart controls. The fourth year is the maker world with smart technology where student are in the summit game to conduct knowledge synthesis and construction. This project also develops multimodal gaming behavior analytic system that will do automatic analysis of the dynamic gaming process. From the big data collected in the game system, and video recordings collected during the games, the system conducts content analysis with natural language database and AI system. Then the system shows the players’ characteristics and their interactive gaming strategy patterns in visualizations.