摘要: | 現今,建構與運作教師專業學習社群來促進教師們的教學相長,但教師社群的運作動能,多半尚未獲得教師內心的認同而顯現不出成效。因此,教師參與社群的成效,可以透過教師的參與認同研究獲得更深入的理解。準此,本文聚焦於一個另類參與社群學習的現象–跨領域社群,對參與者的學習影響。從《情境學習理論》(Situated Learning)中「合法周邊參與」(Legitimate Peripheral Participation)之觀點,分析一位國中英語教師在「跨領域社群」學習的歷程,探究該參與效果對學習之影響。研究對象為桃園市立某國民中學的一位英語教師,本文以田野觀察與深度訪談資料,分析個案在教學生涯中,一段特殊之跨領域社群學習現象的發生與歷程。以「透明性」、「結構性資源」、「認同」、「使用價值」為概念工具,本文描述三個過程:首先,透過個案教學轉變歷程的描述,細究其踏上跨領域社群參與學習的機緣;其次,說明個案從周邊深入核心參與跨領域社群學習的樣貌;最後,探究個案在參與後,教師認同轉變對學習之影響。透過剖析個案跨領域社群學習的歷程,本文對教師專業學習社群有三點貢獻。第一,考慮社群成員的在意、心聲與想法,揭露社群參與學習之價值所在;第二,友善開放、多元互動的社群學習之情境營造,使學習變成是自由、開放、多元的參與價值;第三,多元的學習過程,讓社群成員能延續在情境中之學習,達到永續經營自我學習。;Nowadays, constructing and operating a Teacher Professional Learning Community for promoting teachers’ teaching qualities, but most of the operational effectiveness of the teacher community has not yet been recognized by teachers and has not shown its effectiveness. Therefore, the effectiveness of teachers’ participation in the community can be better understood through researching teacher’s participation in identity. In light of this, the purpose of this study focuses on an alternative community learning phenomenon: interdisciplinary community, which impacts on participants’ learning. From the perspective of “Legitimate Peripheral Participation” in “Situated Learning,” it is to analyze the course of the learning in interdisciplinary community of a junior high school English teacher and to explore the learning impact of the participation effect. The object of this study is an English teacher of a junior high school in Taoyuan City. Based on field observation and in-depth interview data, it is to analyze the occurrence and course of interdisciplinary community learning phenomenon in the teaching career of the case. Furthermore, using “Motivation and Identity” as a conceptual tool, this study describes three processes: first, through the description of teaching transformation by the case, how to step on an interdisciplinary community to learn will be discussed; second, to explain the case from the surroundings to the core appearance of participation in the interdisciplinary community learning; finally, the impact of the case on teacher identity changing for learning after participating in the interdisciplinary community will be explored. By analyzing the course of the case learning in the interdisciplinary community, this study has three contributions for Teacher Professional Learning Community. Firstly, consider the concerns, voices, and ideas of community members, which is to explore the value of participation in learning of a community. Secondly, the situated creation of a friendly open and diverse interactive of a community learning makes learning be a free, open and multiple learning values; lastly, multiple learning process, so that community members can continue to learn in other field, and to achieve sustainable self-learning. |