語言學概論是中文系大一的必修課程,對於多數偏向情感式學習的中文系學生較富邏輯與條理的課程往往充滿著挑戰,課程中若有較好的學習輔具,在學習的路上可事半功倍。與本研究合作的彭老師 自行設計了一套以國際音標(IPA)輔音為基礎的卡牌桌遊,遊戲方式類似仿間UNO,希望透過遊戲的方式能激發學生的好奇心及學習動機。 本研究歷經18週的觀察與紀錄,54名受測學生進行前、後測,其中非中文系的有3人;中文系51人,問卷全數回收,1份為無效問卷。另外,這次還對12位學生進行了質性訪談。教師在教學過程中導入IPA卡牌遊戲,並搭配數位影音教材,我們分別在8個向度:(1)內在興趣、(2)外在興趣、(3)工作價值、(4)同儕學習、(5)自我效能、(6)心流、(7)挑戰、(8)能力做成對樣本T檢定。發現結果如下,學生在IPA桌遊導入後,t檢定前、後測在內在興趣、工作價值、同儕學習、自我效能、心流、挑戰上有顯著差異,至於外在興趣部分,在IPA桌遊導入後,t檢定前、後測無顯著差異。另外,質性訪談部分,發現多數同學對於遊戲式學習能增加學習動機,提升學習興趣給予正面評價,認為卡牌部分可以協助同學在輔音學習過程中掌握發音方式,其他受訪者對於卡牌美工則給予相關建議。 ;Introduction of Linguistics is a compulsory course for the first year of the Chinese Liteareture Department, Most of Chinese Liteareture students learning style bias are emotive who they have full challenge in the logical and organized course. If we have teaching assistive devic that can help students twice the effort for half the result ,therefore,cooperating teachers Peng desing the table game similar to UNO.We hope that can excitation curiosity and learning motivation. This study had been pretest-posttest 54 students among them 51 are Chinese Liteareture 3 others across 18 weeks observation and record, Overall 53 questionnaires 1 is invalid. Regarding In-depth interview,12 students Cooperatin theacher use the game based learning and digital Materials according to 8 dimension 1.intrinsic motivation 2.extrinsic motivation 3.work value 4.peer learning 5.self-Efficacy 6.Flow 7.Challenge 8.Ability for t-test. The results indicate that following the table game in the t-test 1intrinsic motivation 3.work value 4.peer learning 5.self-Efficacy 6.Flow 7.Challenge 8.Ability is significance; 2.extrinsic motivation nonsignificance. In addition to most of students perspective game base learning driving academic motivation and improve learning motivation, while the IPA card game can help tehm learnning pronunciation and consonant sounds, on the others subject recommend of the card game in the atr design.