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    NCUIR > School of Management at National Central University  > Graduate Institute of Industrial Management >   Community Detail

    Introduction: 本所碩士班成立於民國八十三年,成立宗旨在達成管理與系統工程之跨領域整合,以培養供應鏈管理與產業電子化之高級工業管理人才為主,進而提高產業品質、促進工業升級及追求經濟最大效益。隨著產業結構的改變,工業管理的角色也由所謂的『工廠的醫生』演變成『系統的整合者』,活動的舞台也不再限定於製造工廠內。因此無論在各校學程的安排或國科會學門的規劃,服務系統和資訊系統相關的教學與研究已儼然成為未來工業管理的主流。此外,學程彈性化、入學與師資多元化、財務自主、校園民主、社會服務等都成為研究所的發展方向。

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    Showing items 451-475 of 1109. (45 Page(s) Totally)
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    2013-07-02 應用公理設計與設計結構矩陣於產品平台之協同設計; Applying Axiomatic Design and Design Structure Matrix to Collaborative Product Platform Design 王雋爲; Wang,Chun-wei
    2013-07-01 決定香菇太空包逆向供應鏈之汙染費與補貼; Determining advanced recycling fees and subsidies in “shiitake growth bag” reverse supply chains 魏稜; Wei,Leng
    2013-06-24 不同顆粒度流程一致化之研究; Unifying multi-level business process discovered by Heuristic miner Algorithm 陳弘皓; Chen,Hung-Hao
    2013-05-27 當供應商面臨一個風險趨避的零售商時通路協調合約的穩定性;Robustness of coordination mechanisms when a supplier faces a risk-averse retailer 黃建華; Huang,Chien-hua
    2013-05-22 使同步順序具途程彈性之改善研究 尤柏强; Yu,Po-Chiang
    2013-05-01 102年工業管理研究所(乙組)-生產與作業管理-入學考試題 工業管理研究所(乙組)
    2013-05-01 102年工業管理研究所(乙組)-作業研究-入學考試題 工業管理研究所(乙組)
    2013-05-01 102年工業管理研究所(乙組)-統計學-入學考試題 工業管理研究所(乙組)
    2013-04-14 應用修正後的群聚方法於解決訂單批次化問題 呂家棟; Lu,Chia-tung
    2013-01-28 供應鏈中探討伴隨著風險偏好與需求不確定下在氣候折扣合約下所達成的通路協調;Channel Coordination Under the Weather Rebate Contract with Risk Preference on Demand Uncertainty in Supply Chain 劉治言; Liu,Chih-Yen
    2013-01-22 一方法論架構以發展群體研發平台;A Methodological Framework for Developing A Collaborative Research and Development Platform 范家華; Fan,Chia-hua
    2012-12-01 以通路協調觀點探討合約為基礎之靜態及動態封閉式供應鏈管理;Contract-based static and dynamic closed-loop supply chain management: a channel coordination perspective 陳振明
    2012-12-01 促銷成本分攤與信用期在距離相依需求情境下對供應鏈合作之影響;Promotion cost sharing and credit period policy under distance-dependent demand on supply chain coordination 沈國基
    2012-12-01 藉由相鄰區域的互助合作來改善分區揀貨作業的績效;Improving the Performance of Zone-Picking Operations via the Cooperation between Neighboring Zones 何應欽
    2012-09-01 促銷成本分攤與信用期在距離相依需求情境下對供應鏈合作之影響;Promotion cost sharing and credit period policy under distance-dependent demand on supply chain coordination 沈國基
    2012-09-01 以通路協調觀點探討合約為基礎之靜態及動態封閉式供應鏈管理;Contract-based static and dynamic closed-loop supply chain management: a channel coordination perspective 陳振明
    2012-07-25 生產存貨系統在機器隨機故障條件下求損耗性商品之最佳生產策略;An optimal production policy for production-inventory system of deteriorating items subject to random machine breakdown 羅盛耀; Lo,Sheng-yao
    2012-07-25 考慮政府涉入正逆向供應鏈之廢棄物回收補貼模型分析;Analysis of optimal recycling fees and subsidies to regulated recyclable waste in a green supply chain 李俊朋; Li,Jun-Peng
    2012-07-25 透過ANP評估製造業的服務系統設計的關鍵因子;Evaluating the Key Factor in Service System Design for Manufacturing by Analytical Network Process 劉政劭; Liu,Cheng-Shao
    2012-07-25 運用學習曲線之經濟生產模型的最佳批量;Optimal batch size with learning economic production quantity model 黨偉恆; Tang,Wei-heng
    2012-07-24 考慮供應商品質之採購機制設計;A procurement mechanism design with consideration of supplier's quality 林怡岑; Lin,Yi-cen
    2012-07-24 具不同功能I/O點之分區揀貨倉庫的揀貨路徑發展與比較;The Development and Comparsion of Picking Route in a Zone Picking Warehouse under Different I/O Point Functions 郭俊威; Kuo,Chun-wei
    2012-07-24 具語音引導揀貨系統之揀貨作業的執行與績效;The Execution and Performance of Picking Operations in a Voice Directed Order Picking System 趙廷偉; Chao,Ting-Wei
    2012-07-24 晶圓廠Interbay自動化物料搬運系統中自動倉儲(Stocker)內的晶舟盒選取之研究;A Study on the Selection of Cassettes for the Automated Material Handling System in a Wafer Fab 鄭哲昀; Cheng,Che-yun
    2012-07-23 依據消費者偏好的市場區隔下之訂價策略;Pricing Strategy to Market Segmentation based on consumer's preference 柯宏融; Ko,Hung-jung

    Showing items 451-475 of 1109. (45 Page(s) Totally)
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