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    顯示項目451-500 / 774. (共16頁)
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    2008-07-01 膠體在高分子溶液中之泳動行為---毛細管電泳(III); Migration of Colloids in Polymer Solutions in Capillary Electrophoresis(III) 曹?光
    2008-07-01 CuO/Zn/CexZr(Sn)1-xO2-(Al2O3) 觸媒於甲醇蒸汽重組反應研究;+B4776Steam Reforming of Methanol over CuO/Ce/sub x/Zr(Sn)/sub 1-x/O/sub 2/-Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ Catalysts 陳吟足; 廖炳傑
    2008-07-01 稻殼灰分擔載銅觸媒應用於甲醇部份氧化產製氫氣之研究; Hydrogen Production via Partial Oxidation of Methanol over Rice Husk Ash-Supported Copper Catalysts 張奉文
    2008-07-01 胜?抗生素Indolicidin及其類似物與細胞膜之交互作用; Study of the Interaction between Cell Membranes and Indolicidin Analogs 阮若屈
    2008-07-01 探討奈米磁性粒子對酵素固定化及青黴菌生長之研究; Investigating the Influence of Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles on Enzyme Immobilization and Fungal Morphology of Penicillium Brevicompactum 徐敬衡
    2008-07-01 超音波化學法製作奈米氧化物之中空球二次結構; Sonochemical Assembly of Oxide Nanoparticles into Hollow Spheres 蔣孝澈
    2008-07-01 具高散熱效率之無鉛LED覆晶結構及製程技術開發; Pb-Free Flip-Chip LED Structure and Process 劉正毓
    2008-07-01 恆溫滴定卡計、表面電漿共振儀及分子模擬於於; Poly (ethylene glycol)及phospholipid 改質之蛋白質及生物材料與生物系統之交互作用研究 Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor, and Molecular Modeling Studies on the Interactions of Biological Systems with Poly(Ethylene Glycol) or Phospholipid Modified Proteins or Biomaterial Surfaces 陳文逸
    2008-07-01 稀薄溶液中聚電解質的有效電荷---實驗與分子模擬; Effective Charges of Polyelectrolytes in a Dilute Solution: Experiments and Molecular Simulations 曹?光
    2008-07-01 以模板法操控成長有序奈米結構材料暨特性分析之研究; Template-Controlled Fabrication of Well-Ordered Nanostructured Materials and Their Properties Characterization 鄭紹良
    2008-07-01 金、銀與白金觸媒的尺寸效應與擔體效應的研究; The Size Effect and Support Effect of Gold , Silver and Platinum Catalysts 陳郁文
    2008-07-01 醋酸自水溶液純化的新共沸蒸餾程序探討; A New Azeotropic Distillation Process for Purifing Acetic Acid from Water Mixture 李亮三
    2008-07-01 填充塊狀吸附劑之吸附床貫流曲線及變壓吸附程序之模擬; Simulation of Breakthrough Curves and Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes of Adsorbers with Monolithic Adsorbent 周正堂
    2007-12-01 甘氨酸/硝酸鹽燃燒法製備SOFC電池堆連接板材料之開發; Preparation and Development of the Interconnect Materials of Sofc Stack by Glycine-Nitrite Combustion Process. 蔣孝澈; 費定國
    2007-12-01 高效率二氧化碳吸附劑之研究; Advanced Adsorbents for Carbon Dioxide 陳郁文
    2007-12-01 鋰電池材料安全性機制探討 費定國
    2007-10-01 【能源科技前瞻研究】:磷酸亞鐵鋰/碳新型複合陰極材料製程與電池性能研究(I); Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Novel LiFePO/sub 4//C Composite Cathode Materials for Electric Vehicle(I) 費定國; 曾重仁; 高憲明
    2007-10-01 SnNiCu銲球與基材之界面反應研究; Interfacial Reaction of SnNiCu Solder and Substrate 劉正毓
    2007-09-01 三原子自由基與固態分子之光譜學研究;Spectroscopy of Triatomic Radicals and Solid-State Molecules 張伯琛
    2007-07-01 CuO/CexZr1-xO2-Al2O3觸媒於富氫燃料中之CO選擇性氧化反應研究; Selective Oxidation of CO in Excess Hydrogen over CuO/Ce/sub x/Zr/sub 1-x/O/sub 2/-Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ Catalysts 陳吟足; 廖炳傑
    2007-07-01 ITC及SPR於生物分子辨識之熱力學與動力學研究之β; Amyloid Peptide(Aβ) 在大腦中聚集與神經細胞膜作用之機轉(II) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Biorecognition Process by Itc and SPR---The Mechanism of .beta. Amyloid Peptide(A.beta.) Aggregation and Interactions with Nerve Cell Membrane for Alzheimer's Disease(II) 陳文逸
    2007-07-01 MDI與TDI對PU硬質鏈段自組裝奈米結構與性質之影響(I); Effect of MDI and TDI on the Polyurethane Self Assembled Nano-Structure and the Property Thereof(I) 陳登科
    2007-07-01 含鈦六角形中孔分子篩之合成及其觸媒應用研究(II); Preparation of Ti-Hexagonal Mesoporous Silicas and Its Application in Catalysis(II) 陳郁文
    2007-07-01 具高散熱效率之無鉛LED覆晶結構及製程技術開發; Pb-Free Flip-Chip LED Structure and Process 劉正毓
    2007-07-01 金屬與金屬矽化物奈米線陣列之製備及其性質研究; Fabrication and Properties Characterization of Periodic Metal and Metal Silicide Nanowire Arrays 鄭紹良
    2007-07-01 恆溫滴定卡計、表面電漿共振儀及分子模擬於於; Poly (ethylene glycol)及Phospholipid 改質之蛋白質及生物材料與生物系統之交互作用研究 Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor, and Molecular Modeling Studies on the Interactions of Biological Systems with Poly(Ethylene Glycol) or Phospholipid Modified Proteins or Biomaterial Surfaces 陳文逸
    2007-07-01 探討工程因子對固態培養Penicillium; Brevi-compactum生產麥考酚酸與其代謝途徑分析之研究 Investigation of the Influence of Process Parameters on the Production and Metabolic Pathway of Mycophenolic Acid in Penicillium Brevi-Compactum in Solid-State Cultures 徐敬衡
    2007-07-01 稀薄溶液中聚電解質的有效電荷---實驗與分子模擬; Effective Charges of Polyelectrolytes in a Dilute Solution---Experiments and Molecular Simulations 曹?光
    2007-07-01 超音波化學法製作奈米氧化物之中空球二次結構; Sonochemical Assembly of Oxide Nanoparticles into Hollow Spheres 蔣孝澈
    2007-07-01 超級晶體結構在晶圓上的高速篩選; High-Throughput Screening for Super-Crystalline Structures on a Chip 李度
    2007-07-01 超疏水薄膜材料之製備(II); Preparation of Superhydrophobic Film Materials(II) 陳暉
    2007-07-01 鈣鈦礦結構氧化物材料應用於鋰離子電池陰極材料改質研究; Perovskite Structural Materials Used for Modification of Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries 費定國
    2007-07-01 填充塊狀吸附劑之吸附床貫流曲線及變壓吸附程序之模擬; Simulation of Breakthrough Curves and Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes of Adsorbers with Monolithic Adsorbent 周正堂
    2007-07-01 膠體在高分子溶液中之泳動行為---毛細管電泳(II); Migration of Colloids in Polymer Solutions in Capillary Electrophoresis(II) 曹?光
    2007-07-01 醋酸自水溶液純化的新共沸蒸餾程序探討; A New Azeotropic Distillation Process for Purifing Acetic Acid from Water Mixture 李亮三
    2007-07-01 導電高分子太陽能電池和導電高分子---金屬雙層奈米管複合材料之研究; Study of Conducting Polymer Composite for Solar Cell and Metal Bilayer Nanotube 楊思明
    2007-07-01 覆晶凸塊金屬墊層之電遷移研究; Electromigration Study on Flip-Chip Metal Bond Pad 劉正毓
    2007-07-01 鹼性胜月太抗生素(Indolicidin)與細胞膜作用機制之探討---分子模擬與螢光偵測; Mechanism Study of the Interaction between Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides(Indolicidin) and Cell Membrane---Molecular Simulation and Fluorescence Measurement 阮若屈
    2007-07-01 錫銀鉍(SnAgBi)與錫銀鉍銦(SnAgBiIn)無鉛銲錫系統之電遷移對其微結構及失效機制研究; Electromigration Effect on Microstructure and Failure Mode of SnAgBi and SnAgBiIn Pb-Free Solder System 吳子嘉
    2007-01-01 錫銅介金屬化合物之電遷移研究; Electromigration Study on Cu-Sn Intermetallic Compounds 劉正毓
    2006-12-01 SOFC電池堆連接板材料開發與改質研究; Development and Modification of Interconnet Materials for SOFC Cell Stack 費定國
    2006-12-01 貴重儀器使用中心服務計畫; National Central University Instrument Center 楊思明
    2006-12-01 溫室氣體二氧化碳回收、固定及再利用新技術之開發---總計畫暨子計畫二:二氧化碳光催化生成甲醇之研究; Design and Development for CO/sub 2/ Photoreduction to Methanol 陳郁文
    2006-10-01 添加微量Fe、Co、Ni至無鉛銲料對界面生成物Cu/sub 3/Sn厚度之影響;The Effects of Minor Fe、Co or Ni Additions to Lead-Free Solders on the Thickness of Cu/sub 3/Sn at the Interface 高振宏
    2006-10-01 鈷金屬點陣與矽晶基材間界面反應之研究; Interfacial Reactions of Cobalt Metal Dot Arrays on Si Substrates 鄭紹良
    2006-07-01 以仿生方式在晶圓上耕作多型晶體(II); Biomimetic Polymorph Farming on a Chip (II) 李度
    2006-07-01 導電高分子和金屬或半導體氧化物的雙層奈米管複合材料之研究; Study of Conducting Polymer and Metal or Semiconducting Oxide Bilayer Nanotube 楊思明
    2006-07-01 超疏水薄膜材料之製備(I); Preparation of Superhydrophobic Film Materials(I) 陳暉
    2006-07-01 應用於毫米波頻段之多晶片整合收發模組研究-子計畫四:毫米及微米波頻段覆晶式封裝技術之研究(II); Flip-Chip Packaging for Microwave and Millimeter Ware IC(II) 劉正毓
    2006-07-01 微黏度:混合溶劑中膠體粒子的泳動(III); Microviscosity:Migration of a Colloidal Particle in a Mixed Solvent(III) 曹?光

    顯示項目451-500 / 774. (共16頁)
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