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    NCU Institutional Repository > 理學院 > 光電科學研究所 >   社群详细资讯


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    显示项目1601-1650 / 2105. (共43页)
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    2005-07-06 矽基平面式梯度折射率微透鏡於單模光纖收發器之研究 賴慶隆; Ching-Lung Lai
    2005-07-05 應用體積全像光學元件之布拉格窗於點對點成像之研究The; study of point-to-point imaging based on Bragg windows of volume holographic optical elements 余業緯; Ye-Wei Yu
    2005-07-05 無畫素串音之體積全像光儲存碟片之研究; The study of volume holographic optical disc without inter-pixel crosstalk 陳政憲; Cheng-Hsien Chen
    2005-07-05 氮化鎵系列PIN紫外光偵測器之研究; Fabrication and Characterization of GaN PIN Ultraviolet Photodetectors 張憲綱; Hsien-Kang Chang
    2005-07-05 新奇體積全像反射鏡之研究; The Study of Novel Volume Holographic Reflective Mirror 歐博濟; Po-Chi Ou
    2005-07-04 高功率LED之歐規汽車近光燈設計; Automotive Low Beam of ECE Regulation Based on High-Power LEDs 彭偉捷; Wei-Jie Peng
    2005-07-04 高功率梯形LED晶片之特殊投射光形之設計; The design of specific project light pattern based on high-power TIP LED 李雅倫; Ya-Lun Lee
    2005-07-04 RGB; LED微形混光元件之設計The design of small color-mixing elements of RGB LEDs 黃之新; Zhi-Xin Huang
    2005-07-02 低溫大面積直接沉積複晶矽薄膜之技術開發Technology; Development of the Direct Fabrication of Large-area Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films at Low Temperature 古建德; Jian-De Gu
    2005-07-01 負折射近場透鏡之研究; Study on the Negative Refraction Near-Field Lenses 欒丕綱; 林德鴻
    2005-07-01 主動式多波道窄頻寬通電光准相位匹配波導元件之開發; Development of Actively Multi-channel Narrowband Electro-Optic Quasi-Phase-Matching Waveguide Devices 陳彥宏
    2005-07-01 應用於DWDM網路之鈮酸鋰高速多通道波長轉換器(III); High Speed Multichannel LiNbO/sub 3/ Wavelength Converter Used in DWDM Network(III) 王迺愨; 李清庭
    2005-07-01 體積全像應用於空間與波長多工濾波之研究(III); The Study of Spatial- and Temporal-Multiplexed Filtering Based on Volume Holography(III) 孫慶成
    2005-07-01 成像面複合全像術研究(III); Investigation on Image-Plane Multiplex Holography(III) 鄭益祥
    2005-07-01 亂相編碼全像儲存之解碼技術; The Decryption of Random Phase Multiplexing Encoding System 游漢輝; 李孝貽
    2005-07-01 新型光子晶體波導與分光器研究; Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguides and Beamsplitters 陳啟昌
    2005-07-01 紫外光及深紫外光濾光片之研製---總計畫:紫外光及深紫外光濾光片之研製; Research of Optical Interference Filters in UV and DUV Ranges 李正中
    2005-07-01 紫外光及深紫外光濾光片之研製---子計畫四:紫外光及深紫外光薄膜光學特性之研究與濾光片之設計及製作(I); Research of Optical Thin Film in Ranges of UV and DUV and from Design through Manufacture of UV and DUV Filters(I) 李正中
    2005-07-01 實驗室型生物晶片技術與應用; Lab-on-a-Chip Techniques and Applications 楊宗勳; 陳盛良; 陳文逸
    2005-07-01 光纖式條碼載體及微流道晶片式流式細胞儀生物體檢測裝置; Novel Type Fiber Coded Micro-Carrier and Micro Flow Cytometer Chip Detection System 張榮森
    2005-06-30 光學質心法應用於光電量測系統之研究; The application of centroid method on electro-optical measurement systems 吳季樺; Jih-Huah Wu
    2005-06-30 利用三角測量法量測人體脈搏; Using triangulation finds human's pulse 陳俊吉; Jun-Gi Chen
    2005-06-30 Moire在痛覺及脊椎側彎之表面形狀與震動分析; Using Moire to study the shape and the shaking about the pain and the symmetry of the muscles 張以樵; I-Chiao Chang
    2005-06-30 疊紋與小波技術於光學系統分析之研究; Study of Moire Technology and Wavelet Transform on Optical Systems Analysis 林慶煌; Ching-Huang Lin
    2005-06-29 不同透明導電層應用於大尺寸發光二極體之研究 李明祐; Ming-Yu Lee
    2005-06-29 次微米週期性結構之嚴格繞射光學模擬與設計 鄭凱元; Kai-Yuan Chen
    2005-06-29 透明導電氧化物應用在氮化鎵蕭基二極體之研究; Conductive transparent oxide applied to GaN Schottky barrier diodes 林仕尉; Shin-Wei Lin
    2005-06-29 氧化鋅鋁透明導電膜光、電特性之研究; Characteristics of transparent and conductive aluminum zinc oxide thin film 謝振剛; Cheng-Kang Hsieh
    2005-06-29 鈦酸鋇光折變晶體用於新式光學隔離器之研究; The study of novel optical isolator based on BaTiO3 photorefractive crystals 陳建昌; Chien-Chang Chen
    2005-06-29 體積全像空間濾波器應用於3D物體旋轉方位之量測 鍾文杰; Wen-Chieh Chung
    2005-06-28 以氧離子束輔助磁控濺鍍光學薄膜之研究DC; magnetron sputtering of optical thin films in low energy ion beam 詹德均; Der-Jun Jan
    2005-06-28 演色性評估之相關性指標Correlation; Index for Evaluation of Color Rendition 陳建成; Chien-Chen Chen
    2005-06-28 發光二極體照明系統之色彩特性優化設計; Optimization on Color Characteristics for LED Lighting System 許梓恂; Tzu-hsun Hsu
    2005-06-28 色盲量化測試系統之研究 陳正岳; Cheng-Yueh Chen
    2005-06-27 手機LED閃光燈照度均勻設計與研究; The irradiace uniform design and research of cell phone LED's flashliht 王文勳; Wen-Hsun wang
    2005-06-27 二元光學元件應用於顯微物鏡之色差分析; Using Binary Optical Element to Amend Chromatic Aberrations Applying on Microscope Objective Lens 林美燕; Mei-Yan Lin
    2005-06-25 富含矽奈米結構之氧化矽薄膜之成長與其特性研究; Investigation of Growth and Characteristics of Si Nanoclusters Embedded in Si Oxide Film 林駿宏; Chun-Hung Lin
    2005-06-24 影像感測器於水平測量之應用; Level Measurement Using Image Sensor 林宣樂; Shiuan-Leh Lin
    2005-06-22 光子晶體異常折射之研究 游政峰; Jeng-Feng You
    2005-06-22 以共光程外差干涉儀作微小位移量測A; novel method for measuring small displacement by use of multiple total reflections in heterodyne 陳威宇; Wei-Wu Chen
    2005-06-22 光子晶體傳導帶與介電質柱波導之研究Study; on the conduction band of photonic cryatal and dielectric rods waveguide 吳健暘; Jian-Yang Wu
    2005-06-18 光子晶體波導之光耗損研究 蔡維志; Wei-Chih Tsai
    2005-06-16 應用奈米小球製作之波導模態共振器; Guided Mode Resonators Formed by Nanospheres 黃志弘; Chih-Hung Huang
    2005-06-16 光子晶體異常折射之能流研究; Anomalous Refraction in Photonic Crystal Analyzed By Energy Velocity 湯惠婷; Hui-Ting Tang
    2005-06-16 矽晶片波導元件研究The; Component of Waveguide on SOI-based 邱華恭; Hua-Kung Chiu
    2005-06-16 氮化鎵光子晶體共振腔 丁于真; Yu-Chen Ting
    2005-06-16 砷化鎵光子晶體共振腔研究; The research of GaAs photonic crystal resonator 王謀賢; Mou-Sian Wang
    2005-06-16 光子晶體抗反射膜研究anti-reflection; of photonic crystal layers 丁效強; Hsiao-Chiang Ting
    2005-06-15 分析BATC大視野多色巡天計畫中正常星系的質光比; Using BATC Multi-Color Photometry to Determine the M/L Ratio for Normal Galaxies 鄒鎮帆; Chen-Fan Tsou
    2005-05-01 94年光電所材料工程試題 光電科學研究所

    显示项目1601-1650 / 2105. (共43页)
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