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    Showing items 351-400 of 556. (12 Page(s) Totally)
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    2008-05-30 福衛三號低層大氣溫度資料分析; An analysis of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC-retrieved temperature data in the atmosphere 劉智中; Chih-Chung Liu
    2008-05-30 福衛三號電子濃度資料分析:電離層E層; An analysis of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC-retrieved electron density profile in E-region 吳剛宏; Kang-Hung Wu
    2008-05-30 利用福爾摩沙衛星三號資料分析頂部電離層與F層特性; Analyses of topside ionosphere and F region characteristics by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC ionospheric data 夏希璞; Hsi-Pu Hsia
    2008-05-29 波束加寬效應與可適性波束成形的應用; Beam Broadening Effect and Application of Adaptive Beamforming 陳孟遠; Meng-Yuan Chen
    2008-05-24 臺灣地區GPS閃爍訊號特性及分析; The analysis of GPS scintillation signal characteristic in Taiwan 陳家逸; Chia-yi Chen
    2008-05-24 利用GPS衛星研究台灣上空電離層閃爍現象; Using GPS satellite to research scintillation in the ionosphere above Taiwan 張家榮; Chia-Jung Chang
    2008-05-22 颱風電離層都卜勒效應; Typhoon Ionospheric Doppler Effect 李奕德; I-TE LEE
    2007-11-23 赤道地區日落後垂直上昇速度與不規則體發生的相關性研究 何書安; Shu-an He
    2007-10-15 低緯度電離層不規則體之結構研究; Study of low-latitude ionospheric irregularity structure based on New LITN 蕭棟元; Tung-yuan Hsiao
    2007-07-19 沿磁力線救火管不穩定之磁流體數值模擬; The simulations of fire-hose instability for parallel propagation 王雅欣; Ya-shing Wang
    2007-07-18 低緯度電離層不規則體之GPS相位擾亂長期觀測; A long term observation of ionospheric irregularities at low latitudes by using GPS phase fluctuations 褚芳達; Fang-Dar Chu
    2007-07-17 利用中壢特高頻雷達研究降水激發大氣重力波; Using Chung-Li VHF radar to Study atmospheric gravity waves exciting by precipitation. 白劍鴻; Chien-hung Pai
    2007-07-12 相對論電漿中之磁流體波與震波; Magnetohydrodynamic waves and shock waves in relativistic plasmas 周晁光; Marty Chou
    2007-07-12 利用MODIS影像反演嘉義地區水稻田蒸發散量之研究 余竹樺; Jhu-hua Yu
    2007-07-05 救火管不穩定性之混合粒子碼模擬研究; Hybrid Particle Simulation of Parallel Fire-hose Instability 蘇韶晴; Shau-Chin Su
    2007-07-03 利用電腦自動化對數值高程模型作線形偵測; Computer Aided Algorithm for Automatic Lineament Detection in Digital Elevation Model 潘彥男; Yen-Nan Pan
    2007-06-29 太空飛行碎片對運行於地球軌道物體的碰撞機率 李明勳; Ming-hsun Lee
    2007-06-28 電離層探測儀與全球定位系統聯合觀測電離層F層電漿密度不規則體; The Concurrent Observations of the Ionospheric F-region Plasma Density Irregularity Using Ionosonde and Global Positioning System 陳瑋陞; Wei-Sheng Chen
    2007-06-28 低緯度電離層大氣暉光之研究; Airglow Investigations of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere 查傑希; PK Rajesh
    2007-06-26 磁層頂位置之不對稱性研究; A Study of Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry of the Magnetopause Location 莊博硯; Bo-Yan Jhuang
    2007-06-25 地震電離層都卜勒效應; Seismal ionospheric doppler shift 陳耀淳; Yao-chun Chen
    2007-06-25 利用福爾摩沙衛星三號觀測電離層電子密度; The observation of ionospheric electron density by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC 張博雅; Po-Ya Chang
    2007-06-25 利用ROCSAT-1和DMSP衛星資料研究磁暴時中緯度重離子異常現象; A Study of Mid-latitude Heavy Ion Anomaly Using ROSAT-1 and DMSP Data 范純彬; Chun-pin Fan
    2007-06-23 改進式Sigma filter應用於雷達影像斑駁抑制;Improving sigma filter for speckle reduction of SAR images 溫仁宏; Jen-Hung Wen
    2007-06-23 利用多尺度匹配自動套疊衛星雷達影像; Automatic Registration of Satellite SAR Image Based on Multi-Scale Matching 洪浩倫; Hao-Lun Hung
    2007-06-23 雷達影像於山區線型萃取與分析; Using SAR image to extract lineament for investigating the trend and distribution of the mountain range 李明澤; Min-Tzer Lee
    2007-06-23 線性多偏極掃瞄式合成孔徑雷達影像模擬; Linear Multi Polarimetric Stripmap Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Simulation 邱哲彥; Je-yan Chiou
    2007-06-23 C波段可調式都卜勒頻移主動雷達校正器研製與性能評估; The design and validation of C-band tunable Doppler shift active radar calibration 簡誌宏; Chin-Hung Jian
    2007-06-23 時間序列雷達影像於水線萃取之研究; The Study on Water Line Extraction From Time Series of SAR Image 林景騰; Jing-Teng Lin
    2007-06-23 OFDM系統於Ka波段下降雨通道效能評估; Evaluation of OFDM system under rainfall channel at Ka band 陳俊龍; Juhn-Long Chen
    2007-06-20 太陽活動寧靜期日冕層影像與解析磁場模型之影像套疊與應用; The images fitting and applications between solar coronal images and an analytic solar magnetic field model 柳琮源; Tsung-yuan Liu
    2007-06-13 土衛八Iapetus的外球層模型; An Exospheric Model of Iapetus 林怡伶; I-Ling Lin
    2007-06-08 福衛三號電離層資料品質控管; The Quality Control of Formosat-3/COSMIC ionospheric data 柯孝聰; Hsiao-Tzung Ko
    2007-06-07 無碰撞電漿中靜電雙流不穩定之數值模擬研究; A numerical simulation study of electrostatic two-stream instability in collisionless plasma 張家佳; Chia-Chia Chang
    2007-01-19 地球磁層頂二維結構之重建與分析; A Study of Two-Dimensional Magnetopause Structure Based on Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction Method 鄭偉良; Wai-Leong Teh
    2006-07-21 偵測大氣內水平行進之緲子用的帶電粒子偵測器陣列之可行性研究; To study the possibility of using a particle detector array to detect atmospheric muons from near horizon. 向化君; Hua-Chun Hsiang
    2006-07-20 利用MODIS衛星監測地表蒸發散行為; Monitor land surface evaporation by using MODIS data 姚登元; Teng-Yeng Yao
    2006-07-20 典型相關分析應用於衛星遙測影像變遷偵測之研究; Canonical Correlations Analysis Apply to Change Detection in Remote Sensing Image 吳孟宸; Mon-Chen Wu
    2006-07-15 GPS/MET遮蔽觀測foF2 numerical mapping與IRI 模式之比較分析;The analysis of fof2 numerical mapping between GPS/MET and IRI model 郭家禎; Chia-Chen Kuo
    2006-07-12 GPS與探空氣球資料觀測可降水量; 與降雨之關係 On the relationship between GPS and radiosonde observations of precipitable water vapor and precipitation 陳文建; Wen-Chien Chen
    2006-07-12 利用遙測影像反演水稻田蒸發散量 之研究;Using remote sensing imagery to retrieve evapotransporation over paddy field. 簡子杰; Tzu-chieh chien
    2006-07-11 利用GPS訊號估算對流層斜向水氣含量之研究; The use of GPS signals to estimate slant water vapor in Troposphere 謝瀚德; Hang-Ter Shei
    2006-07-07 Fast Magnetosonic Shocks in the interplanetary Space and Magnetosphere 林承忠; Cheng-Chung Lin
    2006-07-07 Simulation and Theoretical Study of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the MHD Plasmas 賴淑華; Shu-hua Lai
    2006-07-07 MODIS和NOAA衛星資料反演之大氣溫濕度剖線在夏季午後對流前兆分析之應用; Prediction of the Summer Afternoon Convection Onset with MODIS and NOAA 莊耀中; Yao-Chung Chuang
    2006-06-30 運用ITS系統對於低緯度電離層斷層掃瞄的; 模擬與研究 The simulation of low latitude ionospheric tomography by using ITS system 陳鶴元; Her-Yuan Chen
    2006-06-30 應用改良式二次規劃法作電離層電腦斷層掃描影像重建之研究; Ionospheric tomography using modified quadratic programming method 林憫惠; Min-Hui Lin
    2006-06-30 ITS30-LITN觀測電離層不規則體閃爍現象 陳威名; Wea-Ming Chen
    2006-06-30 中壢動態式電離層探測儀系統控制卡(CRAM Card)重建及測試;+C3384Rebuild and Test the System Control Card(CRAM Card) of Dynasinde in Chung-Li 連家慶; Chia-Ching Liam
    2006-06-28 土星環粒子隨時間變化之表面溫度模擬; Time variations of surface temperatures of saturian ring particles 張仕忱; Shih-Chen Chang

    Showing items 351-400 of 556. (12 Page(s) Totally)
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