犯過錯、吵過架、流過淚…所有的回憶化作春泥,滋養我心中的教育國度。成為一個老師,是我小時候的夢想;在師範院校的學習,更加確定我成為一個教師的決心,當我有機會成為一個教師,卻在跌跌撞撞的現實環境中喪失信心,透過敘說,寫出一段新手教師的故事… To be a teacher has been the dream of my life, it’s the dream that I am living now and it’s the dream that I have had since I was just a little girl. During my university life I forged my mind and my will; I was very optimistic and energetic, I was complete and happy, but unfortunately when my dream of becoming a teacher came true I had to learn the hard way that life is not that simple, I was frustrated and I started to lose confidence on what I was doing and why I was doing it. It was a hard process that had many ups and downs, but it was a process that helped me become a more mature person who already knows what to be a teacher really means. In this Thesis, I would like to share the experience about a freshman changing during the first five years of her educational and professional life.