本研究探討有無外加先備知識和閱讀能力對於學童在閱讀中使用自我提問的影響。以北部某國小的兩班五年級學生為對象,蒐集學生的閱讀能力和科學知識能力後,學生需接受兩堂課的自我提問課程,了解自我提問的意義和方式。接著,學生進行文章的閱讀和提問,其中一班的學生在閱讀前,接受研究者外加的先備知識教學,補充與文章有關的知識內容,另一班學生則直接進入閱讀和提問。研究結果發現,外加先備知識組不會因為閱讀能力的高低造成提問數量的差異,但是無外加先備知識組裡面,高閱讀能力者的提問數量顯著多於低閱讀能力者。從提問的問題類型來看,學生的問題仍偏重答案為單一、容易的事實性問題,較少問出需跨概念、句子的理解性問題,而外加先備知識組在提出事實性問題的比例上又顯著多於無外加先備知識組。在閱讀理解的表現上,閱讀能力與先備知識未發現交互作用,高閱讀能力者仍表現得比低閱讀能力者好,但是若給予高閱讀能力的學生外加先備知識,高閱讀能力者將較能在提問時抓住重要概念問問題。 The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of reading ability and prior knowledge on self-questioning in the process of reading. The participants were two classes of fifth-grade students. After receiving two lessons of self-questioning presented by researcher, the participants proceeded to read the material of foehn and write down questions. One of the classes had the chance to gain the prior knowledge of foehn before reading the material, but the other one didn’t. The results indicated that the majority of self-questions were lower level questions, such as factual questions. The group with additional prior knowledge lesson had larger proportion of factual questions, but there was no difference in higher level questions like comprehension questions between these two groups. Furthermore, no interaction could be found in the reading comprehension performance between reading ability and prior knowledge. It concluded that skilled readers still performed better than poor readers. Moreover, providing skilled readers the additional prior knowledge could make them gain more important concepts from the material while posing questions.