本研究主要比較不同識字教學法在新移民女性學習中文的成效表現上是否有所差異,兩種識字教學法分別為以字帶字識字教學法以及分散識字教學法,並假設不同識字教學法與新移民女性本身口語詞彙能力高低間有一交互作用存在,因此設計一項受試者間二因子混合設計實驗。在材料的部分,由文獻可知部首與聲旁在漢字認知歷程中的處理不同,因此在實驗組生字安排上,研究者分為以聲旁為基本字的前四課以及以部首為基本字的後三課,並與該國小長期使用的某版本國小課本進行教學實驗。本實驗共有28位中文屬小學一年級程度之新移民女性,隨機安排至兩班接受不同識字教學法,並於兩個月的實驗教學後進行立即後測與延宕後測。研究發現在識字教學的整體成效上,實驗組優於對照組;而實驗組因為聲旁組字規則上的教學,在高低詞彙能力學生的識字成效上皆有所提升;而在部首組字規則的表現,實驗組與對照組在高口語詞彙能力上的表現並無顯著差異,然而在低口語詞彙能力上,實驗組學生表現顯著優於對照組;此外,研究更發現經過一個月後的延宕,實驗組於延宕後測的表現皆優於對照組。由本研究可以得到以下結論:(1)組字規則概念確實能協助新移民女性在識字教學上的成效;(2)組字規則的學習效果並非立即可見,學習者需要一段時間將習得的知識鞏固、內化後才得以運用。 The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of using two different methods of Chinese literacy on teaching immigrant women in Taiwan to learn Chinese words. One method was called the stem-deriving instructional method and the other was the distributed teaching method. This study was further investigated whether different teaching methods of Chinese literacy had different impacts on the performance of the learners who have different amounts of verbal vocabulary ability in Chinese. The participants were 28 immigrant women and they were divided into high and low verbal vocabulary ability groups based on their scores on a standardized vocabulary test. The experimental group was taught by stem-deriving instructional method and the control group was taught by distributed teaching method. The materials of experimental group were compiled by researchers, introducing new characters that contain either useful semantic cues or phonetic cues; and the control group continuing using their curriculum. There were immediate posttests after the completion of the curriculum and delayed posttests one month after the immediate posttests. The results indicated that: (1) understanding the Chinese orthographic rules actually help immigrant women’s learning of Chinese word; (2) and the effects of Chinese orthographic rules need time to consolidate.