中文摘要 閱讀時「同音」或「形似」的錯別字是否會造成讀者閱讀上的干擾?本研究嘗試以眼動控制來探討。在初探實驗中首先建立一般成熟讀者在閱讀文章時眼睛凝視的時間、移動的距離、閱讀的速度等一般性資料,檢視是否與過去的眼動研究一致,以確保工具信度。實驗一中操弄四種錯別字類型(音同形似、音異形似、音同形異、音異形異)於文章中,由讀者的眼動表現來瞭解字形、字音在文章脈絡下對讀者的影響,眼動資料顯示僅「音異形異」字對讀者造成干擾。實驗二的目的在確認實驗一的研究結果,在實驗二中我們將文章略做改寫,製造前後文意的矛盾,預期讀者會在此處有較多的來回凝視,而我們將「音同形異」或「音異形似」字置於預期會往回凝視處。因為「音異形異」字在實驗一中已顯現效果,而「音同形似」字又與正確字極相似,如果是由於實驗一操弄不足,預期對「音同形異」與「音異形似」二類字的影響最大。結果與實驗一一致,顯示只有「音異形異」字會干擾閱讀,其餘三類均不影響閱讀,可見在文章脈絡下,只需要「音同」或者「形似」這種微量的線索,讀者便能很快的提取到正確的字義。 This thesis is an eye movement study of Chinese character reading. The central question of the study is to investigate the prevalent but unclear phenomenon: Do homophonic or graphemic control characters interrupt readers when they are reading? In the pilot study, articles were presented in EYELINK eyetracker, a large amount of general data from adult readers was collected, such as fixation duration, saccade length, and reading speed to establish the instrument reliability. Afterward, there are two experiments in the study. First of all, four types of characters were manipulated in the text - homophonic and graphemic similar characters, phonetic dissimilar but graphemic similar characters, homophonic but graphemic dissimilar characters, and phonetic and graphemic dissimilar characters. The results of the first experiment show that the phonetic and graphemic dissimilar characters slow down the readers the most. A second experiment was conducted to validate the previous results. In the second experiment, the texts were modified to produce semantic anomaly. Two types of characters, phonetic dissimilar but graphemic similar characters, homophonic but graphemic dissimilar characters, were embedded in the anomalous sentences. The results are consistent with those of the first experiment. It is indicated that only phonetic and graphemic dissimilar characters would interrupt reading, and the other three types of characters would not. The experiments support the fact that readers can access correct word meanings in a text even with similar but incorrect phonetic and graphemic clues.