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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/48563

    Title: 利用悅趣化數位學習系統輔助能源教育以提升學習者能源認知與意識;A DGBL System to Facilitate Energy Education and Enhance Learners' Energy Knowledge and Awareness
    Authors: 曾婉瑜;Wan-yu Zeng
    Contributors: 網路學習科技研究所
    Keywords: 內外控人格;學習動機;悅趣化數位學習;能源教育;Digital Game-Based Learning;Energy Education;Learner Motivation;Locus of Control.
    Date: 2011-07-22
    Issue Date: 2012-01-05 14:57:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 能源短缺與溫室效應是現今社會急需要面對的重要課題,環境災害的反撲讓人不得不從生活習慣著手,響應節能減碳的新生活運動。但是個人的行為改變要從改變其能源意識著手,若個人對能源相關知識有一定程度的了解,則會形成內在態度與行為意圖的轉變,而改變能源使用的意識和行為也是改變全球環境的重要策略。悅趣化數位學習(Digital Game-Based Learning)近年來蓬勃發展,眾多研究也顯示學習遊戲在幫助理解和增加學習互動與動機上都有相當亮眼的成效。   本研究旨在建置一個悅趣化數位學習系統,把做中學的概念加諸於遊戲中,學習者可以利用本系統培養發現問題進而解決問題的能力,最終能輔助學習者學習能源相關議題,並提升能源認知能力與能源意識。本研究實驗針對學習者的能源認知與能源意識作前後測分析,並將學習者學科背景以及內外控人格取向當作分析變項,結果顯示使用者在使用本學習系統後的能源認知與能源意識都有顯著提升。不同學科背景的學習者在使用本學習系統後,在能源認知與能源意識的學習成效上皆有顯著差異;然而不同內外控人格的學習者在能源認知與能源意識成效上則無顯著差異。除此之外,學習者在使用本系統後對能源教育均抱持著正向的學習動機。 Abstract   The problem of energy shortage and greenhouse effect has become a crucial and critical issue nowadays. We face not only one but simultaneous challenges; meanwhile, the environmental backlash alarms people to change daily behaviors from resources consuming. So far, many studies have shown that individuals who are within increasingly environmental knowledge may accumulate more positive awareness on environmental issues. As long as the awareness is internalized by means, a transformation to behavior would be adapted and presented in action. In recent years, the concept of digital game-based learning has been seen as an important element to enhance the effectiveness of learning and be able to provide an interactive learning process. To this end, this study aims to develop a digital game to facilitate energy education to enrich learners’ energy knowledge and energy awareness. Learners are asked to solve the events and the given feedbacks will facilitate their learning process. 54 participants joined the study, the findings show as follows: 1. The learners’ energy knowledge and awareness are significantly improved. 2. The effect of learners’ different subject background on learning achievement shows significant differences. 3. The effect of learners’ distinct locus of control on learning achievement shows no significant differences.
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

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