摘要: | 本研究目的是探討具有相同閱讀理解能力水平,但工作記憶能力高低不同的國小二年級學童,其閱讀理解監控表現的差異。本研究採用眼動儀及事後訪談的方式,瞭解學童在閱讀過程中的閱讀理解監控的表現,為了探討探討當學童遇到文章內容不一致的狀況時,其閱讀理解監控的差異,逐採用三種不同的閱讀版本文章,在文章內容安插與先備知識不一致的外部不一致版本、與前後文不一致的內部不一致版本以及控制版本作為閱讀材料。研究結果顯示國小二年級的學童已經開始發展閱讀理解監控的能力,但不同閱讀理解能力的學童在閱讀理解監控表現十分相似,因此,閱讀理解能力對於閱讀理解監控的指標影響並不明顯。另外,比較具有相同閱讀理解能力,但工作記憶能力不同的學童在閱讀理解監控表現時,可以從閱讀理解監控的第一次連續凝視總時間、第一次連續凝視總次數和重新閱讀時間三項指標中,發現具有高工作記憶能力的學童,在眼動指標中所花費的時間及次數比低工作記憶能力的學童少。當學童具有相同閱讀理解能力時,工作記憶能力的高低會影響其閱讀理解監控的表現,尤其是在高閱讀理解能力的組別中,其影響更為顯著。The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of working memory on second-grade students’ reading comprehension monitoring performance when they have the same level of reading comprehension ability. This study analyzed students’ eye movement data and interview data when reading three different versions of article, including prior knowledge violations version, contextual internal inconsistencies version, and the control version.The results indicate that second-grade students have already developed their reading comprehension monitoring ability. The effect of reading comprehension ability on reading comprehension monitoring was not significant; it was because that their reading comprehension monitoring performance was very similar. The study also shows the effect of working memory on reading comprehension monitoring performance when students have the same level of reading comprehension ability. Students with high working memory ability had spent longer time than students with low working memory ability in both First Gaze Duration and Re-reading Time. Moreover, they had fewer gaze counts in the First Gaze Fixation Count result. The results suggest that working memory capacity affects the reading comprehension monitoring performance, especially in the high reading comprehension ability group. |