摘要: | 在商業環境劇烈變化下,組織目前的競爭優勢不能保證能夠一直存在,因此組織必須不斷學習新知識、技術與實務,並且培養足夠的改變能力適應外在變動的環境。近年來對於組織學習以及IT技術的文獻不斷地被提出與討論。然而,過去研究鮮少將組織學習的觀點與IT技術運用兩大領域合併探討。為了彌補此研究缺口,本研究主要在新產品開發情境下,探討組織學習透過組織靈活度對於資訊技術運用能力之間的影響。針對台灣前 2000 大製造業等產業進行問卷調查,以新產品開發專案為研究分析單位,回收有效問卷266份。目的是探討組織是否能夠是否能透過個人、團隊與組織學習來增進組織本身的靈活度與改變能力,並且是否有效運用導入後的資訊技術來增進成員間的協同合作,以維持組織長期的競爭優勢。研究結果指出專案成員所擁有的直觀能力、解釋能力、團隊成員間的整合能力,以及組織記憶和制度化程度對於組織靈活度本身具有正向顯著的影響,而組織靈活度對於資訊技術運用能力也有正向顯著的影響。 In today's increasingly competitive environment, organizations must learn new knowledge, techniques and practices incessantly to keep their competitive advantages and cultivate their abilities to adapt the changing environment. Recent studies pay close attention to organizational learning and IT leveraging competence. Yet little is known of how organizational learning affects the competence of IT leveraging. This paper attempts to ?ll this important gap in the integration of organizational learning and IT leveraging competence through empirical research using a comprehensive framework of organizational learning under the context of new product developing. We conducted a longitudinal study that involved 266 cases of 133 individuals in new product developing team from top 2,000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan. We aimed to discuss the organization whether improve their ambidexterity and change capability through organizational learning, and leverage the IT competence to enhance the cooperation among team members or not. Our results show that intuiting and interpreting of team members in new product developing project have a positive impact on the ambidexterity, and that both integrating among team members and institutionalizing also have a positive impact on ambidexterity. Furthermore, we found that ambidexterity has a positive impact on IT leveraging competence. |