摘要: | 數位合作學習領域長期以來的一個核心議題是:學習在哪裡發生?(Where does learning take place? )。本文聚焦於指認線上對話共構過程的關鍵時刻(critical moments)。為了深度剖析這個議題,進行個案研究,分析一個成功完成六週科學探究任務的線上小組,以發現科學探索和參與者互動兩造的交互關係與發展軌跡,從而捕捉共構發生的學習圖像,特別聚焦在推動探究進展的關鍵時刻。
最後,本文有一些具體貢獻:首先指認動態性過程的關鍵時刻,並擴充關鍵時刻的傳統認定;本文將整體過程的情境脈絡(situated-context)納入分析作法,在實踐(practice)與學習的不可切割現象中,勾勒出小組對話的在地學習面貌;也細膩的審視參與者的動態性角色扮演與參與貢獻,並精緻化參與貢獻的判定準則;同時帶出學輔鷹架和同儕協力的不同互動現象;最後,由關鍵時刻的指認經驗及研究結果中,提供一些教學啟發給予現場教學實務。;A core issue in Computer-supported collaborative learning is “Where does learning take place?” Along with the current trend in CSCL, this study focused on the learning process of an online scientific inquiry-based group to identify the “critical moments” of promoting the group inquiry progress among the group members. By analyzing the case study from an online community (LAIN) is to explore the picture of a small group knowledge construction. We analyzed the log data of the group discussion to understand the relationship between the development of scientific concept and the group members’ dynamic interaction in order to identify the critical moments.
This study tries to develop an analytic approach to re-identify the critical moments. The definition of the “critical moments” in our study is getting better condition to advance the group progress for achieving the final group inquiry goal. By comparing with the traditional approach, our approach focuses on the “whole” situated-context and dynamics process of the group discussion rather than a single “part” during the group discussion, and shows the unit of analysis in “a larger context” or “a series of the related events” rather than in some “small pieces” or “isolated incidents”. The main points in this analysis are including the “from beginning to end” process, situated-context, time dimension, and relevance. The analytic steps in this study are as the followings: first, to pick the sequential episodes of promoting the inquiry progress is under the situated-context perspective; then, to capture the subject matter, to track the evolution of the group discussion, to recognize a set of intersubjective-interactive components and the positive turns in the group members’ close discussion. It is worth noting that we analyzed the above-mentioned-analytic steps in the cumulative composition of interpretative acts.
Identified the critical moments by the above definition and analysis approach has the following findings. The results identify four critical moments, including to establish the group norms, to create the mutual accomplishment, to make the art of collective dialogue, and to develop the division of labors in a group. At the same time, we could reconsider the dynamic changes of the role play (for example, positive learner, lurker, or mentor), rejudge individual’s contribution among the group members, refresh the definition of the “collective interaction”, and show the interaction between the mentor’s scaffolding and the peer’s collaboration. Finally, the collective interaction among participants: the group members developed the partial and complementary activity to advance the group progress.
Based on the situated-context perspective, we could describe and interpret each posting of the group discussion in the local practice meaning and reconsider the contribution of postings in the online knowledge co-construction. Our study also found that the group members discussed with each other in the intersubjective interaction is the key to promote the inquiry-based learning quality. In contrast to tradition approaches, this study expanded the picture of an online group knowledge co-construction. So some methodological considerations about online-group knowledge co-construction were discussed. |