本研究之研究方法論以質性研究為主,輔以量化分析之個案研究為主,藉由文獻探討與行為事例訪談,分析發展出個案公司管理階層之管理職能內涵,並分析個案公司管理階層在職能具備性的差異情形。研究結果期能作為人力資源管理及教育訓練規劃、招募任用以及績效考核之參考。本研究主要藉由文獻分析、專家訪談、焦點團體座談及45位管理者問卷調查發展出個案公司管理階層之工作職能內涵,共計7項管理職能以及36項行為指標。 並針對職能、績效的關係是否存有落差等議題進行研究分析,進行典型相關分析與配對樣本T檢定,藉以驗證本研究所推論之研究假說。 本研究結果發現皆符合本研究假說:職能與績效有顯著正向關係。最後,本研究針對分析結果提出建議,希望藉由學術研究與企業實務的經驗交流,提供作為企業職能導入,與學術界後續研究的建議。;The study focuses on developing procedure of management’s managerial competency model, through literary reviews, experts interview, and questionnaire survey. The whole process can be divided into three stages --- (1) Managerial Competency Model Construction. (2) Managerial Competency Model Confirmation. (3) Proposal for Managerial Competency Model Application. The research conclusions for each stage are listed as the following: (1) Managerial Competency Model Construction The Division head and Section manager’s Managerial Competency Model is formed by seven competency aspects. Their definition and key behavior is clearly described. (2) Managerial Competency Model Confirmation After the analysis of Managerial Competency Model Questionnaire, we can easily judge whether each member can reach a consensus. The analysis result has revealed seven important and consistent aspects are chose by division head. Highly important and consistent aspects should be developed at first priority. Low important and inconsistent aspects should be postponed to second stage. (3) Proposal for Managerial Competency Model Application The proposal will setup a on-line competency assessment system and this system can be implemented in different functions, such Training and Development, Recruitment, and Performance Management.