教育部積極推動以「核心素養」為導向的108新課綱,培養探究、協作、批判思考、創意、論證等21世紀關鍵能力。為了讓教育典範轉移工程順利進行,新課綱必須解決「素養教學」與「教材設計」的三大挑戰:(1)在職教師擅長以講述法來灌輸學科知識,素養的教與學並非專長;(2)師資培育課程多以學科精熟學習為教師培育目標,需要重新設計; (3) 現行教學媒體以提升精熟學習的效率為目標,難以成為素養學習的媒材。本計畫運用設計研究法(design-based research)來解決上述問題,在三年的計畫中,迭代設計可供素養學習的《論證素養桌遊》(1~2小時遊戲)、《論證素養教學課程》(18週師培課程) 、 與《論證素養教學工作坊》(6~8小時在職教師訓練課程),並同步發展素養遊戲設計理論、素養教學、與素養課程設計理論,不只提供教學現場的需求,也是教育研究方法的創新。本研究延續計畫主持人前兩個科技部計畫,成為「推動遊戲式素養教學」的三部曲。前兩個計畫是「素養教學能力」與「遊戲式學習」的「現況分析」,本計畫則致力於「改變現況」,設計素養遊戲和素養教學課程來填補「素養教學」與「遊戲學習」的研究與實踐缺口。 ;In an effort to reform education for the globalized 21st century knowledge economy, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan releases a new national curriculum (aka 108 curriculum) for literacy-based and competence-oriented education. Two challenges arise with the paradigm shift from teaching contents to fostering 21st century literacies. First, pre-service and in-service teachers are not trained for teaching literacy-based and competence-oriented curricula. Second, educational media are not designed to foster 21st century literacies and competences. The proposed research project aims to solve the above two problems. Using a design-based research methodology, this three-year project plans to iteratively design (1) a board game for argumentation, (2) a pre-service teachers’ course for teaching argumentation with the board game, and (3) an in-service teachers’ workshop for teaching argumentation with the board game. While designing the above game and curricula, we will develop theories on the design of argumentation games and literacy-based curricula/workshops. The proposed research is the third one of an inquiry aiming to “foster game-based pedagogy for 21st century literacies and competences.”