本研究旨在探究臺灣男女學生資通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology,簡稱ICT)使用用途與態度對1)科學素養,2)ICT領域職涯期望,3)科學、科技、工程與數學(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics,簡稱STEM)領域職涯期望之作用。計畫之中,將使用2015年國際學生能力評量計畫(Programme for International Student Assessment,簡稱PISA)中臺灣7708位15歲學生資料驗證,並使用資料分群之層次邏輯斯回歸(hierarchical logistic regression)與路徑分析(path analysis)加以探究其中性別議題。本計畫將主要帶來兩方面之貢獻。首先,是瞭解性別間ICT使用狀況對科學素養及相關職涯的作用情形。透過研究分析與論述,不僅可觀察男女學生在擁有資源、管道趨近相同的時代中,是否依憑不同環境、目的下的工具運用建構對ICT之態度,進而影響科學素養與投入ICT、STEM領域進修、深造意願,更是釐清相近性別議題研究方法使用與結果詮釋適合、正確與否的契機。其次,本研究能豐富探討ICT素養領域文獻。ICT的運用廣泛結合在教育或生活層面中,透過產出成果,增添觀察相關態度、使用目的之全面性,兼之掌握性別之間相異處,供往後評估ICT素養時,加以參酌,理解性別平等考量下需涵納的特質及切入點。整體而言,可給予臺灣科學相關領域人才性別平衡、培育方案建議及指引。 ;The purpose of the study aims to examine gender differences in uses of information and communication technology (ICT) and attitudes towards ICT as well as their associations with science literacy and career expectancy in ICT and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The portion of Taiwanese data, composed of 7708 sampled 15 year olds, come from the 2015 administration of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), one of the major international large-scale assessments. Hierarchical logistic regression and path analysis are the major analytical techniques to examine the mechanisms by gender. The study will make two major contributions. First, the proposed model for pathways among students’ ICT uses, attitudes towards ICT, and science literacy as well as career expectancy in ICT and STEM based on the Lent et al.' s Social Cognitive Career Theory by gender will be tested. The findings will inform gender differences in the mechanisms while the resources and access to ICT seem to be equal for females and males. By identifying the key factors, future interventions for targeting to improve the factors may be conducted to narrow the gender gap. Second, the theoretical framework for conceptualizing students’ attitudes towards ICT as one of elements of ICT literacy will be proposed for the field. The magnitude of gender differences in attitudes towards ICT will be examined. The proposed framework could be viewed as a useful supplement to evaluate ICT literacy in the future studies. Overall, the findings of this study will provide practical suggestions based on national representative data to the development of human resources for the future in Taiwan.