在國際競爭加劇的背景下,企業為了提升競爭力,往往提高對員工的工作要 求,造成員工的工作負荷越來越高,因而導致了職家衝突的發生 本研究旨在探 討工作負荷、同事社會支持、職家衝突、工作倦怠與幸福感之間的關係,並基於 研究結果提出管理實務上的建議,以幫助企業改善工作環境,提高員工的工作滿 意度和幸福感,進而減少員工流失,達成企業永續發展的目的 本研究透過網路發放問卷向各產業的全職人士進行調查 ,蒐集到 283 筆有效 資料進行資料分析 研究結果顯示:(1)工作負荷與職家衝突之間存在正向關係; (2)同事提供的社會支持與職家衝突之間存在負向關係;(3)職家衝突與工作倦怠 之間存在正向關係;(4)職家衝突與幸福感之間存在負向關係 ;This study aims to explore the relationships among workload, colleague social support, work-family conflict, job burnout, and employee well-being. 283 copies of valid response were collected through online survey from full-time employees across various industries. Data were analyzed and it is found that workload is positively related to work-family conflict. Social support from colleagues is negatively related to work family conflict. In addition, work-family conflict is positively related to work burnout and negatively related to employee well-being. Drawn on the research findings,managerial implications and recommendations for future research are thus discussed.