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    Showing items 426-450 of 1178. (48 Page(s) Totally)
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    2011 Precipitation Forecasting Using Doppler Radar Data, a Cloud Model with Adjoint, and the Weather Research and Forecasting Model: Real Case Studies during SoWMEX in Taiwan Tai,SL; Liou,YC; Sun,JZ; Chang,SF; Kuo,MC
    2011 Preface to the Special Issue on &quot;Typhoon Morakot (2009): Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting&quot; Wu,CC; Yang,MJ
    2011 Statistical analysis of observed and simulated hourly surface wind in the vicinity of the Panama Canal Cheng,FY; Georgakakos,KP
    2011 Super-ensemble of three RCMs for climate projection over East Asia and Taiwan Liu,CM; Wu,MC; Paul,S; Chen,YC; Lin,SH; Lin,WS; Lee,YC; Hsu,HH; Tseng,RY; Chen,CT
    2011 The Effect of Tropical Cyclones on Southwest Monsoon Rainfall in the Philippines Cayanan,EO; Chen,TC; Argete,JC; Yen,MC; Nilo,PD
    2011 The Impact of a Warm Ocean Eddy on Typhoon Morakot (2009): A Preliminary Study from Satellite Observations and Numerical Modelling Lin,II; Chou,MD; Wu,CC
    2011 The impact of microphysical schemes on hurricane intensity and track Tao,WK; Shi,JJ; Chen,SYS; Lang,S; Lin,PL; Hong,SY; Peters-Lidard,C; Hou,A
    2011 Water Budget of Typhoon Nari (2001) Yang,MJ; Braun,SA; Chen,DS
    2010-12-01 台灣東北部地區氣象雷達加強觀測計畫; The enhanced radar observation of severe weather systems in northeast Taiwan 陳台琦
    2010-12-01 利用風暴(對流)尺度數值模式模擬台灣災害性天氣系統之可行性研究; The feasibility study of using storm/convective scale numerical model to simulate hazardous weather systems in Taiwan. 廖宇慶,陳台琦
    2010-08-01 颱風整合研究---颱風位渦動力與同化模擬研究; Potential Vorticity Dynamics and Data Assimilation for Typhoons 黃清勇; 林沛練
    2010-07-29 PAMS光化評估測站揮發性有機物模擬及模式發展 ; Diagnostic Modeling of PAMS VOC Observation 陳聖博; Sheng-po Chen
    2010-07-29 北台灣地區臭氧汙染之季節效應與東亞汙染出流之影響 ; Seasonal Effect and the Impact of Asian Continental Outflow on Ozone Mixing Ratio in Northern Taiwan 蔣至剛; Chih-Kang Chiang
    2010-07-28 台灣地區PAMS觀測資料之顯著性和規律性的分析與探討 ; The significance and regularity of PAMS observations of Taiwan 高嘉婉; Jia-wan Kao
    2010-07-28 同化GPS掩星及其他觀測資料對梅雨模擬之影響 ; The Impacts of Assimilation with GPS RO and Other Observation Data on Mei-yu Prediction. 呂佳龍; Jia-Long Lue
    2010-07-26 2008年台灣西南部地區TRMM降雨雷達與七股雷達回波觀測比較分析及降雨估計應用研究 ; Comparisons of Reflectivity and Rain Rate Derived from the TRMM Precipitation Radar and the CWB Cigu Radar over the Southwestern Area of Taiwan in 2008 蔡國榮; Kuo-jung Tsai
    2010-07-26 應用衛星觀測資料估算之熱能及渦度參數建立西北太平洋熱帶氣旋生成之指標none 曾千祐; Chian-you Tzeng
    2010-07-26 使用四維變分同化都卜勒雷達資料以改進短期定量降雨預報 ; Improving short-term quantitaive precipitaion forecast by assimilating doppler radar observations with the four-dimensional variational technique. 戴聖倫; Sheng-lun E4176Tai
    2010-07-26 考量地形與環境風場輻合效應在改進TRaP估算侵台颱風降雨預報之研究 ; Improving Typhoon Rainfall Forecasting in Tropical Rainfall Potential Technique (TRaP) by Considering Taiwan’s Terrain Effect and Environment wind. 陳冠儒; Guan-Ru Chen
    2010-07-25 2009年台灣梅雨季雨滴粒徑分佈特性之比較研究 ; Comparison Studies on the Characteristic of Raindrop Size Distribution During 2009 Taiwan Mei-yu Season. 蔣育真; Yu-chen Chiang
    2010-07-25 利用WRF模式研究SoWMEX IOP3期間地形效應對於強降雨個案之影響 ; Using WRF Model to Investigate the Impact of Orographic Effect on Heavy Rainfall Case During SoWMEX IOP3. 邱思翰; Szu-han Chiu
    2010-07-24 WRF模式Double-moment雲微物理參數化法對於SoWMEX IOP-4個案降水模擬之敏感度研究 ; The sensitivity study of precipitative simulation of WRF model double-moment microphysics scheme for the SoWMEX IOP-4 case 錢伊筠; Yi-Yun Chien
    2010-07-23 旬到月尺度統計預報模式的發展 ; A development of statistic forecast system for pentad to monthly scales prediction 曾品涵; Pin-Han Tseng
    2010-07-22 颱風辛樂克(2008) WRF模擬及位渦反演之研究none 洪于珺; Yu-chun Hung
    2010-07-22 利用雲凝結核計數器在不同地域雲凝核微物理特性之探討 ; Study the microphysical characteristics of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) at different areas using a CCN counter 蔡合量; Hei-Liang Tsai

    Showing items 426-450 of 1178. (48 Page(s) Totally)
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