摘 要 大陸經過1987年以來的二十幾年的改革開放,在進入新世紀的開始也加入了象徵全球架構的WTO組織;面對必須快速「與世界接軌」的急迫環境下,大陸所有的企業必須要在全面開放前做好所有迎接挑戰的準備。「培訓」是解決組織績效的方法之一,對於急切需要提升本身競爭能力的大陸企業來說,也是必須盡快「培訓」自己能準確使用的工具之一。從過去強調計畫的經濟體制,以及按勞分配的社會體制下,大陸企業面對要結構化與系統性的思考員工培訓要求時,應該怎樣從「想」到「做」,並且確保執行後的成效,是此次研究希望能找到的答案。 在研究過程中一直苦於樣本的找尋;由於大陸企業對於正確揭露本身資訊有一定的疑慮,因此從事大規模的問卷調查勢必事倍功半。所幸在過程中,有機會參與上海交通大學與美國St. Joseph大學所合辦的一項名為Training And Organizational Development的EMBA課程,在前後共三期的開班過程中,總共有九十二位來自大上海地區,各種類型企業的各個不同職能部門主管參與此項課程。因此在進行此次研究時,即以這個班的學員做為調查的樣本,同時以部分學員深度訪談以及相關資料收集方式,針對研究主題進行探討。而在主題挑選上為避免複雜,則以企業內主管培訓為研究對象。 此次研究發現大陸企業雖然都能體會培訓對於提升企業整體競爭能力能起到關鍵作用,但是對於理解培訓的急迫性,以及如何下手做還存在有一定的模糊地帶與誤區。而其中外資企業由於本身原本有的豐富相關經驗與技術,因此在整體的表現上相對比國營企業、政府單位或是民營企業要好。 Since 1987, China opens her market to the world and enters World Trade Organization at the beginning of 21 century. The great challenge which China encounters is “How to align with the World practices”. When all business sectors try to solve this particular problem, “training” is one of the most effective ways for them to choose. If it is true, the very interested issue will be “how do all the companies organize their effort from thinking to doing regarding training their people”, which is also this study focus on. During the study, how to define sampling target is always an issue. As most of the companies in China are hesitate to release their information to public, a great scale of survey is almost a proved useless way. Fortunately, take the chance to participate an EMBA program which co-host by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and St. Joseph University, collect 92 participants’ survey data and interview to finalize this study. This study reveals that companies in China facing the great competition all over the world are all aware that “employee training” is one of the keys to increase their own competition capability. But the gray area also exist regards how to realize the idea. Among this study samples, companies from foreign investors show more effective and training oriented than those companies from China own investors.