相較於其他傳統產業,調查指出台灣的工作者有較高意願進入高科技產業工作,但研究也發現高科技公司也面臨了科技專業人員的高流動率的難題。然而面對科技專業人員高流動的挑戰時,公司不能僅單獨探討科技專業人員的離職傾向,因為對科技專業人員而言,他們的生涯考量不再僅是「組織生涯」的問題,而已成為與個人專業息息相關的「無疆界生涯」概念,所以組織必須同時深入了解他們對於留任組織及留任專業的態度,如此才能較全面地探討科技專業人員的生涯選擇。 本研究調查了129位半導體產業科技專業人員後,發現了目前這些專業人員之生涯選擇傾向多半呈現低離職/低離開現有專業傾向與高離職/高離開現有專業傾向的狀態;此外本研究也發現企業除了可利用組織或專業承諾單獨去預測人員離職傾向或是離開現有專業傾向外,還可經由人員兩種承諾間的互動狀態,去更深入探討與預測個人完整的生涯選擇傾向。 Under the trend of constantly accumulating knowledge and innovative technology, high-tech industry has played an important role at Taiwan’s booming economy. However, firms in the high-tech industry still face a difficult problem of high level of turnover. Since high turnover may become an obstacle to company’s research and innovation, firms have to cope with this issue appropriately. The high turnover issue for technical professionals is not only related to their intention to leave the organization, but also related to their attitudes towards their present profession work. Thus, in order to explore technical professionals’ career more thoroughly, this study suggested that we should consider employees’ attitudes toward their present organization and present occupation at the same time. This study collected data from 129 technical professionals from two participating semiconductor companies which are leading firms in the industry. The results indicated that the career choice of these technical professionals appeared as two distinct types: one is low intention to leave organization and low intention to leave present profession, and the other is high intention to leave organization and high intention to leave present profession. The results also indicated that the combination of two variables, organizational commitment and professional commitment, seems to be a good predictor of the high-tech professionals’ career choices.