置身在動盪不安的世界,唯一可以確定的是---萬事都在改變。面對環境接踵而來的改變,「學習」成為企業生存與保持企業核心競爭力的關鍵工具。只有能夠不斷創新與學習的企業,能將資訊快速轉換成高價值的產品與服務,才能讓企業具備新的競爭優勢,並在當今競爭激烈的環境中脫穎而出。這種21世紀企業的典範,就是「學習型組織」。 學習型組織的概念早在1930年代即被提出,演進到1990年Peter Senge的「第五項修練」一書出版後,在企業與組織裡引發大量討論與應用執行。較早的研究較偏重個人的學習與改變,近年來學者多由個人學習、團隊學習、組織學習等不同的學習層次做研究與探討。 企業導入學習型組織是為了確保員工與組織持續提升績效,以求生存與獲利。本研究藉由問卷調查衡量組織成員對學習型組織之認知,以及其對績效之認知,並探討兩者之間之關聯,以驗證假設問題。主要的研究結論為: (一) 當組織成員認知組織具個人層次學習特質時,會正向影響個人學習績效; 但當個人對團體層次學習特質或組織層次學習特質之認知較高時,卻與個人學習績效無關。 (二) 當個人認知組織具個人層次學習特質時,不會增加其對團隊績效之認知; 但當個人對團體層次學習特質之認知較高時,其對團隊績效之認知也較高,同樣的,當其對組織層次學習特質認知較高時,其對團隊績效之認知也較高。 (三) 當個人認知之組織層次的學習型組織特質愈強時,其所認知之組織績效也愈強,但組織成員所認知之個人層次、團隊層次的學習型組織特質愈強時,則與組織績效無關。 本研究印證出企業具備不同層次的學習型組織特質,顯示該企業能驅動個人持續學習、促進團隊分享與集體學習、該組織能夠藉由系統機制與管理領導不斷強化整體改變與應變的能力,而這些學習型組織之特質,對其成員所花在與工作相關的學習時間、團隊績效、組織績效有正向影響。故組織實務工作者應藉由塑造學習型組織,為企業創造達成具體績效成果的契機。 For years, learning organizations have been portrayed as capable of adapting to changes in the external business environment by practicing continuous renewal of their structures and practices. The ability to create new organizational forms and processes, to innovate in both the technical and organizational arenas, is crucial to remaining competitive in an increasingly turbulent world. However, few empirical studies have been conducted to examine to what extent the characteristics of the three dimensions of a learning organization contribute to the bottom line results of the organization. This paper discusses the relationship between how individual recognizes his organization as a learning organization and how he recognizes its individual learning performance, team performance, and organizational performance. The results show that when individual recognizes his organization as a learning organization on individual dimension, that significantly positively effects how much time he spent on learning. When individual recognizes his organization as a learning organization on team dimension, that significantly positively effects how he recognizes the organization’s team performance. When individual recognizes his organization as a learning organization on organizational dimension, that significantly positively effects how he recognizes the organization’s team performance and organizational performance. Thus, these findings may provide some empirical evidences that building up a learning organization will contribute to the bottom line results of that organization.