『組織重整』、『組織再造』、『學習性組織』等概念,在近年來於企業界掀起了一股風行的旋風,這些在在都提醒我們現在是講求能力為主的時代,而『職能』(Competency)是一種以能力為基礎的管理模式,主要的目的在於找出並確認哪些是導致工作上卓越績效所需的能力及行為表現,以協助組織或個人了解如何提升其工作績效。 本研究的目的是要建立管理職能模式及評鑑系統之設計。經由收集相關文獻、焦點團體的討論、與高階經理人的訪談,找出管理核心職能,並加以定義,此管理職能具有六個構面分別為:領導、創新、行動力、情緒管理、溝通、客戶導向。每個構面再分為四至六個次構面,對應到主管人員所應具備之職能,主管階級包括課長、副理、經理與協理。 並加以發展管理職能量表,採360度回饋方式,包括自我評核、上司、同事、部屬評核。管理職能評鑑結果之運用,能運用於各職系整體評估結果分析、與個別結果評估、更可個別加以互相比較,而根據整體或個別評估之結果,可以了解各職級、或個別主管具有優勢與劣勢的管理職能構面為何。評鑑方式採電腦介面施行,將更節省時間以及成本,並提高員工配合意願。 Recently the concepts, such as “organizational reengineering”, “organizational redesign”, and “learning organization”, are popular in the business field. These concepts have indirectly proved that a competent individual is more likely to be hired by an organization. Competency model is a strategic management tool that emphasizes individual competence, not educational level. The purpose of the model is to identify what are the critical abilities and attributes making individuals perform well on their jobs, and to help organizations understand how to make plans to improve their employees’ performances. The purpose of this thesis research is to build up a management competence model and design a computer-based 360°assessment system in a private firm. By reviewing relative literature, working on a focus group activity, and interviewing high-level managers in the Z company, a management competence model is built. The model includes “Leadership”, “Innovation”, “Prompt reaction”, “Emotional management”, “Communication” and “Customer orientation” six major competencies. Each competency is also divided into four to six layers reflecting to different levels of managers’ ability. The thesis study also developed a management competency assessment tool. This tool uses 360-feedback method to assess managers’ competencies. Results of assessment can be use to compare against pre-designated working objectives in terms of a manager’s positions or departments. Based on results of comparisons, we can understand the current level of a manager’s competence. The tool is implemented in the Z company’s intranet environment. By implementing the system in the Intranet environment, the company can lower the cost and reduce the time while executing the 360-feedback assessment.