長久以來,人力資源活動原本係被歸屬於人事單位的職責,直線單位只要作 好其部門內職責工作即可(如生產、品保、銷售等),兩者之間的分野係十分清 楚。惟近年來,越來越多的研究指出,直線主管開始積極參與人力資源活動,並 且扮演著重要的角色。然後直線主管是否有足夠的知識及技巧來有效地管理員工? 意即如果缺乏有系統的管理訓練,直線主管並無法有效地執行各項人力資源管理 活動。因此在這樣的情形之下,直線主管應需要更多來自於人力資源管理部門的 持續訓練及支持以確保他們在未來能夠有效地執行人力資源管理活動。 本研究旨在探討直線主管之管理訓練對直線主管參與人力資源管理活動之 影響。在資料的蒐集上,以個案公司直線主管為對象,進行調查研究。 本研究一共發出210 份問卷,扣除未具名問卷,總計有效份數165 份,有效 回收率為78.6 %。本研究結果發現有兩項課程對於人力資源管理參與有顯著而正 向的影響,雖然未能肯定是因為受訓而提高參與程度,但也可能是因為有參與興 趣,更覺得相關知識之必要性,而進一步尋求訓練機會。無論是前述何者,均指 出相關訓練對直線主管執行相關工作的重要關聯。 For a long time, human resource management activities are taken for granted to be the responsibilities of the human resource division and the line managers just need to implement their duties such as quality assurance, production and sales. There exits a clear cut between line and human resource division. However, in recent years, there are more and more studies indicating that line managers are on the initiative to get involved in human resource management activities. At the same time, are the line managers provided with skills and knowledge to manage their employees? It means that if the line managers are not trained well, they are not able to implement the human resource management activities effectively. Therefore, line managers should be trained continuously and effectively to ensure they could implement human resource management activities well. The research is to discuss the relationship of management training and involvement of the line manager to human resource management, and received 165 valid questionnaires. The result indicates that two courses do have positive impact on the HRM involvement. Though it is not identified such result caused by training, it could be out of the trainees’ interests. Whether it is due to the interests of trainees or the training effect, it indicates that the training is important to line managers for their management jobs.