當今企業的經營者應了解,在講究如何建立競爭優勢的同時,必須體察到,如何將人力資源管理與企業經營策略相結合,方能在市場上建立起競爭優勢。本研究即以航空業為例,來探討某家個案公司在人力資源管理措施、企業經營策略及管理措施間相互應用的關係。並以個案公司全體474名員工為研究對象,以「員工滿意度調查」為工具,來分析探討人力資源管理措施對員工在工作滿足以及組織承諾上的影響。 本研究將個案公司人力資源管理措施分為:工作設計(工作特性、工作流程、工作負荷)、訓練、員工關係(工作團隊、溝通)、領導、績效評核、福利薪資等六個領域共八個自變項,相對於員工態度的工作滿足、組織承諾的兩個依變項進行影響分析。本研究以問卷調查法進行,共發出問卷共474份,有效回收問卷243份,有效回收率為51%。在資料分析方面,採用SPSS 11.5版軟體進行變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析,對研究假設加以驗證,結果發現:在工作滿足方面,員工感受其工作特性、工作負荷、領導、薪資福利越佳者其工作滿足越高;在組織承諾方面,員工感受其工作特性、工作流程、領導、薪資福利越佳者其組織承諾越高。因此,本研究根據此結果,進一步探討所得結果在理論與實務上的關聯以及管理的意涵。 In establishing the corporate competitive privilege, the top management must realize integrating the human resource management with the corporate managerial strategies is indeed. This research used the employee surveys as a tool to seek an adequate human resource management practices as a strategy for corporate use. We take an airline company as a case to study the effects of human resource management practices on job satisfaction and organization commitment. The research was processed by sending out surveys. There are 474 surveys sent out in total with 243 returns. The affective rate is 51%. The presumptions of SPSS 11.5 software are used to develop the following analysis: Descriptive Statistics, Factor, Reliability, ANOVA, Correlation and Multi-regression analysis. The result shows that in terms of the job satisfaction, the better the job characteristics, work load, leadership and compensation & benefit, the higher the job satisfaction; in terms of the organization commitment, the better the job characteristics, work flow, leadership and compensation & benefit, the higher the organization commitment. The research will discuss further about the relationships between theories and reality as well as the management implication according to this result.