英文筆跡分析在歐美地區作為一項招募甄選的工具已行之有年,然而在華人社會中卻沒有相關的應用。因此,本研究之目的在於以英文筆跡分析找出並衡量特定之中國人領導風格。 研究對象以台灣地區121位工作者為主,其中包括中高階管理者與非管理者等職別。研究工具為中國人領導風格量表,以及筆跡分析量表。研究結果發現,中國人領導風格與英文筆跡特徵呈現顯著相關。結論如下:1.英文筆跡分析適用於衡量華人性格特徵2.英文筆跡分析可預測中國人之不同領導風格3.英文筆跡分析未來於招募甄選功能上之可能運用 Handwriting Analysis has an ancient origin. It is used as a selection tool in Europe and the United States with prevalent proportions in the modern times. However, there is no such application in the Chinese society. This research, therefore, aimed at finding specific Chinese leadership styles through English handwriting analysis. Data were collected from 121 working adults, with an even split between higher-level managers and ordinary workers. A total of 35 graphological parameters were assessed, by using an English handwriting questionnaire, against Chinese leadership styles, through the CPM Leadership Scale (Character, Performance, Maintenance) developed in the Mainland. A good number of the Chinese leadership traits were found to significantly correlate with many of English graphological parameters. Conclusions were summarized from these results: 1. English handwriting analysis is applicable in assessing Chinese adults. 2. English handwriting analysis is predictive of specific Chinese leadership styles. 3. Potential development of Chinese graphology for HRM applications awaits future research.