本研究主要針對主管與部屬的人格特質相似性是否會影響到主管績效評等;以及檢驗領導者與部屬交換關係(LMX)是否具備中介變項的效果。以145 對主管部屬對偶資料為研究對象,本研究發現除了主管與部屬外向性人格特質相似會對績效評等有正面影響,其他人格特質相似性並無顯著影響。但是主管與部屬在外向性越相似,卻對領導者與部屬交換關係品質(LMX)有負面影響。雖然領導者與部屬交換關係品質對主管與部屬外向性人格特質相似與績效評等有部份中介效果,但對其他人格特質相似性卻無法驗證有顯著影響。本研究結果或許可以說明人格特質相似對與工作績效的影響並不是受到人際關係偏見所影響,而是確實反應其行為、態度上的不同。 The present study investigates whether personality similarity between managers and subordinates, influence their interpersonal relationship (LMX quality) and subsequent performance ratings. Using 145 supervisor-subordinate dyads, we found that none of personality similarity was positively associated with subordinate performance ratings with one exception of extraversion similarity. We also found that supervisor-subordinate extraversion similarity was negatively related to the quality of leader-member exchange, contrary to previous findings. Although the investigation has indicated that LMX has partial mediating effect between leader-member extraversion similarity and performance rating, there were minimal support for a relationship between the rest personality similarities and LMX and performance rating. It suggests that the observed effect of personality similarity may reflect actual behavior differences rather than biases due to interpersonal affect. Implications of the findings are discussed along with recommendations for future research.