根據我國經濟部投審會的最新數字顯示,目前共有7千多家台灣企業散佈在全球各地(此數字不包括未登記廠商),從投資最集中的美國、日本、香港,甚至遠至非洲等地;產業則從高科技乃至傳統的紡織、營建業,甚至一般人想像不到的會計師事務所,紛紛都把腳步踏出台灣的土地,「能不能外派」,似乎已成為各企業在徵才時的重要條件。 在外派人員管理上,許多因素會影響外派人員海外工作成敗與否,「外派意願」是其中一項重要因素,相關研究亦指出外派意願對外派適應與外派工作滿意度皆有顯著影響。 本研究從員工個人特質之「人口特徵」(personal characteristics)為研究主軸,以我國五縣市製造業之員工為抽樣對象,採便利抽樣的方式,總共發出1500份問卷,回收533份,回收率約35.33%。此外,利用平均數差異檢定、迴歸分析等統計方式,試圖瞭解我國員工在不同人口特徵下之外派意願之差異。研究結果顯示:在「性別」、「撫養小孩數」、「工作調派次數」、「外派經驗」、「工作部門」、「學歷」等部份之不同者,其員工之外派意願在此數個人口特徵上,會有顯著之差異,而「年齡」與「工作職位」不同者,其員工之外派意願不會有顯著之差異。 此研究除了是我國學術界少數關於外派意願之研究,其不同人口特徵上顯示出的差異;而在實務上,當企業要從一大群企業員工中找出有意願之外派人員時,更可將這些人口特徵視作一項符合經濟效益的預測工具。 Business in Taiwan has transformed from localization running into globalization policy to purchase growth and keep sustainable competitive ability. While Taiwan’s company base in an alienate area, they also consider to place manager or member to manage oversea operation. Staff’s willingness to the offshore assignment moderates the decision if someone wants to accept it or not. Moreover, staff’s willingness would influence employee’s adjustment, satisfaction and commitment in a foreign complex. This study focused on what personal characteristics would influence and predict the employee’s willingness to accept a foreign job. Convenient-sampling method was adopted in manufacture companies of five Taiwan’s counties. Results indicated that gender, children to raise, the numbers of employee’s relocation and expatriation, working departments, and education affected and predicted the willingness to accept a foreign job. The results provide HR an economic way to select a willing employee in an internationalization program.