本研究旨在探討工作壓力對於工作滿意度的影響,以及員工的組織承諾高低能否調節工作壓力對於工作滿意度的負面衝擊。在自變項「工作壓力來源」中,分成八個子構面,分別為「組織氣候」、「組織缺乏結構」、「組織政治氛圍」、「工作不確定性」、「工作過量」、「缺乏自主性」、「人際衝突」、「職家衝突」,並將八個子構面加總為「工作壓力來源總分」,分別探討此九個構面對於依變項「工作滿意度」之影響,以及調節變項「組織承諾」是否具調節作用。 本研究係以兩岸三地(台灣、香港及大陸)的員工為研究對象,採立意取樣方式發放問卷,受訪者採自我評量的方式回答題項,總計三個地區共有380位有效樣本。 研究結果顯示,「工作壓力來源總分」及八個子構面「組織氣候」、「組織缺乏結構」、「組織政治氛圍」、「工作不確定性」、「工作過量」、「缺乏自主性」、「人際衝突」、「職家衝突」對於工作滿意度均會產生負面衝擊,但在調節效果方面,發現調節變項「組織承諾」只能夠調節工作壓力來源中之「人際衝突」對「工作滿意度」的負面影響。 The purpose of this study was to explore the negative influence of work stress on job satisfaction. In addition, we also examined the moderating effect of organizational commitment on the relation of work stress and job satisfaction. Eight sources of work stress were assessed, they were: “organizational climate”, “lack of structure”, “work politics”, “job insecurity”, “quantitative workload”, “lack of autonomy”, “interpersonal conflict”, and “work-family conflict”. A summation score was then computed to represent the overall level of work stress. The purposive sampling method was used to conduct surveys with structured questionnaires in the Greater China region (Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland China). A total of 380 participants returned valid responses for further analysis. Our results showed that all eight sources and the overall level of work stress had negative impacts on job satisfaction. We also found that organization commitment moderated the relationship between "interpersonal conflicts" and job satisfaction.