主管才能建構早在企業界就建立,然而在醫療服務業除了少數機構之外,尚無醫療院所完整的引進。主管在企業中一直扮演著承上啟下的角色,對於公司營運的時常功不可沒,但如何評估主管的管理才能,實為一大課題。因此本研究主要目的是以一家社區醫院為例,探討如何建立其主管職能之模式,建立過程主要以文獻分析、主管質性深度訪談以了解個案醫院主管職能之內涵,並歸納出控制、組織、規劃、溝通、領導及學習能力等六大職能群組及各題項,而後施以匿名性專家問卷,以對其量表及構面之建立產生共識,並在量表的初表的建立後,以360度評量之量性資料來驗證其量表之適用性。 經過一連串施測之後,所獲得研究結果如下: 1. 建立個案醫院各級主管管理職能量表 2. 完成信效度分析與探討 3. 以360度評估法解釋個案醫院主管職能的運用 4. 職能管理於醫療院所的適用性建議 本文最後藉由各級主管案例分析,提供職能量表評估之個人診斷,並建議個案醫院 應用於召募任用、職涯發展、接班人計劃、績效考核與薪資管理及教育訓練上,以提供作為較客觀的評量標準,激勵員工有向上的動力。 Manager competency assessment is not a new concept in the business. However,only a few healthcare instituses actually implement this assessment. Managers oversee operations and thus, their managerial competency, which is every difficult to measure, is one of the determining factors for business outcomes. The purpose of this study is to propose an assessment framework and describe how this framework can be applied by utilizing a community hospital as a case of illustration. This study first reviewed relevant literatures and conducted qualitative and in-depth interview with managers from this community hospital. Six competency dimensions, including controlling, organization, planning, communication, leading and learning were identified for this study.And anonymous questionnaire survey and a 360-degree feedback were conducted to test the validity for this framework. The study outcome include: 1. A manager competency assessment was designed for managers of different levels. 2. Discussion and analysis for the reliability and validity test result. 3. Result of 360-degree feedback to illustrate the applications for the assessment,and 4. Suggestions for the assessment improvements. Finally,this study provided assessment result for assessment participants and recommended the community hospital to apply these results to refine their recruiting and selection process, career development assistances available to all employees, training programs for managerial trainees and employees, succession plan, and performance evaluations and compensation designs, Thus,they can establish objective criteria for these processes and motivate their employees.