協助員工瞭解自己、進行自我才能發展,進而達成組織目標,是企業執行360度評量制度的主要目的。雖然企業在評量制度的設計與執行上盡量貼近理論的架構,但是受評者對評量制度的態度仍無法完全確認,連帶的也影響了受評者運用回饋報告進行個人才能發展的意圖。在理論上,受評者對評量結果的態度可用接受性知覺作為衡量標準,當受評者對於評量制度與結果有越高的接受性知覺時,代表受評者會有較高的意願運用回饋報告進行個人發展行為。 本研究針對曾在執行過360度評量的公司當中扮演受評者角色的人員進行調查,運用因素分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現,受評者的「評量技術認知」與「評量來源能力認知」對受評者的接受性知覺會有顯著影響;而受評者接受性知覺在「整體保密認知」、「評量技術認知」與「評量來源能力認知」與受評者自我才能發展意圖之間,具備有部分的中介效果存在。最後根據本研究的研究結果提出管理意涵與實務運用上的建議。 360 degree appraisal is a tool that can assist ratees in enhancing their abilities and changing their behaviors. Although enterprises design the process close to the suggestion of theory, the attitude of ratees is still dubitable. In the suggestion of theory, ratees’ perceived acceptance is the critical factor of 360 degree appraisal. If ratees perceived neglect acceptance attitude about appraisal system and feedback report, ratees will have lower intention to enhance abilities and change behaviors. The results of the study suggest that “perceived appraisal technique” and “perceived abilities of raters in appraisal” is key factor to ratees’ perceived acceptance attitude. When ratees experience higher “perceived appraisal technique” and “perceived abilities of raters in appraisal”, ratees will have higher perceived acceptance attitude. And ratees’ perceived acceptance attitude to 360 degree appraisal possesses mediator effect between perceived confidentiality, perceived appraisal technique, perceived abilities of raters’ and ratees’ intention to self development.