本研究從工作壓力源及華人工作價值觀切入,瞭解工作場所中的壓力源及員工對華人工作價值觀之認同,對工作滿意度的影響。然而,工作壓力源所造成的影響不只是組織層面的「工作滿意度」,還會導致員工個人的不健康,因此本研究的壓力後果除了「工作滿意度」,還包括「身體症狀」及「心理症狀」。除此之外,個人在工作時所認同的華人工作價值觀,對工作壓力源與壓力後果關係的調節效果,也納入討論範圍。 研究工具為自陳式量表,發放給兩岸三地(台灣、香港、大陸)員工填答,本研究將樣本加總以增加統計力量,並使得研究結果在華人地區更具有可推性。研究結果發現,三個壓力後果被不同的工作壓力源所影響:「工作滿意度」的預測因子為「組織氣候」及「工作自主性」;「身體症狀」的預測因子有「人際衝突」與「工作負荷」;能預測「心理症狀」的工作壓力源最多,包含「組織氣候」、「人際衝突」及「工作負荷」。 華人工作價值觀之「勤勉」構面對三個壓力後果都有預測力。在調節效果方面,「勤勉」只能調節兩個工作壓力源「人際衝突」與「工作負荷」對「工作滿意度」之關係;華人工作價值觀之另一構面「實用」,對壓力後果沒有預測力,對工作壓力源與壓力後果之關係也無調節作用存在。 The aim of the research was to explore relations between various work stressor and strain, in the cultural context of Greater China, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Mainland. In addition to job satisfaction, personal well-being indicated by physical and behavioral symptoms, was also examined as the strain factor. Both the main effect and possible moderating effect of endorsing Chinese work values were explored in the work stress process. Using structured questionnaires, a total sample of 380 full-time employees in the three regions were surveyed. Analyses revealed that for Chinese employees in all three regions, the main nexus of work stress – strain was established. However, different indicators of strain were significantly predicted by different sources of work stress: (1) “organizational climate” and “work autonomy” predicted job satisfaction; (2) “interpersonal conflict” and “work overload” predicted physical symptoms; (3) “organizational climate”, “interpersonal conflict” and “work overload” predicted behavioral symptoms. The “hardworking” component of Chinese work values was found to be related to all three indicators of strain, demonstrating its main effect on stress outcome: the high endorsement of “hardworking” value was generally related to reduce strain. More importantly, we found that “hardworking” as a Chinese work value buffered the noxious effect of “interpersonal conflict”, but exacerbated that of “work overload” on job satisfaction. Although these moderating effect should be further replicated in future studies, they serve to highlight the need to comprehensively understand the work environment in interpreting roles of work stress and work values, as well as their intricate interactions for Chinese employees working in the collectivistic culture.