本研究根據Goleman(2001)情緒智力架構中自我察覺部分,發展出一份適合經理人使用之情境式情緒智力量表,再輔以「田納西自我概念量表」、「明尼蘇達工作滿意度量表」與「一般自我效能感量表」等做為本研究之效標關聯效度,驗證其與情緒智力量表間之相關性。 本研究以人力資源管理研究所在職專班與已畢業在業界擔任管理職的校友為問卷發放對象,其中對人資所在職專班發出共52份問卷,剔除掉資料嚴重漏失問卷共2分,在職專班回收問卷份數為25份(問卷回收率48.07%)和其他在業界擔任管理職的學長姐,共計25分,總計共50份,其信效度檢測結果如下: 一、經理人情緒智力量表-以自我察覺為衡量標準之再測信度係數分別為:自我意識到情緒變化=0.668;精確的自我評估=0.761;自信=0.706;然而整份量表=0.734,顯示其信度皆達P<0.01的顯著水準。 二、整體經理人情緒智力量表與田納西自我概念量表有顯著的相關,與明尼蘇達工作滿意度量表則沒有呈現顯著的相關性。其餘各量表之外在效標間的相關係數並不顯著,可能是受到自我防衛因素所導致。 The construct of this study was based on the notion of Emotional Intelligence,which was developed by Daniel Goleman(2001). This study was focus on the Self-Awareness. To develop the Emotional Intelligence Scale for managers, this study also utilized the “Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, TSCS”, ” Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, MSQ”,and the “General Self-Efficacy Scale, GSES” for the justification of criterion-related validity, which then be analyzed the interrelation of Emotional Intellectual Scale. The investigation was directed toward the Executive Master of Human Resource Management student and other predecessor graduated from the Institute of Human Resource Management. There are total 72 samples and 50 of which were valid. The result of this study was as follows: 1. The test-retest reliability of the emotional intelligence scale: the sub-scale of self-awareness is 0.668; the sub-scale of self-assessment is 0.761; the sub-scale of confidence is 0.706; the overall reliability is 0.734, which reveals statistically significant level (P < 0.01). 2. The overall Emotional Intelligence Scale is positive correlated with the“Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, TSCS”, but is not significantly correlated with the ”Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, MSQ”. All other external criteria seem not significant, which might be caused by personal ego defense.