本研究主要目的在探討賣場在視覺方面(包括賣場色系、亮度)、聽覺方面(包括賣場音樂音量、曲風、熟悉度及賣場廣播)對於消費者情緒、時間知覺與賣場滿意度三方面的影響。由於,以往賣場相關研究多以實體賣場作為研究標的。在變數的控制上諸多不便,容易受其他不確定變數的干擾。因此,本研究改以虛擬實境的方式,模擬出一般電器賣場的情境,進行測試以獲得更精準的實驗結果。因為在虛擬環境下變數操控較為容易,所以本研究不同以往,僅對視覺或聽覺其中的一、兩項變數作研究,而是將研究課題擴大到視覺與聽覺兩大層面,作全面性的探討。 研究結果主要有下列幾點: 1.賣場色系會透過消費情緒影響時間知覺及賣場滿意度。 2.賣場亮度會透過消費情緒影響時間知覺及賣場滿意度。 3.賣場音樂熟悉度不需透過消費情緒,可直接影響時間知覺。 4.賣場音樂曲風會透過消費情緒影響時間知覺及賣場滿意度。 5.賣場廣播類型不需透過消費情緒,可直接影響時間知覺。 6.賣場音樂音量會透過消費情緒影響時間知覺及賣場滿意度。 7.視聽環境交錯影響下,聽覺對於消費者情緒、時間知覺、滿意 度的影響程度大於視覺的效果。 The management of buyer time perception by service businesses may be critical to customer satisfaction. Many relevant literature from architecture, environmental psychology, and marketing all focus on how do the service environment elements (e.g., color, music) influence affect and time perception. But, most studies about service environment will adopt the field experiment to do the research. In field experiments, the independents will not be controlled easily, and the results will be affected by other uncertain factors. Hence, this study will adopt virtual store as the tool to test the effect of service environment on affect, time perception and the satisfaction. Due to the convenient of controlling independents, using the virtual store as the tool will get the result not be influenced by other factors. Also, this study will investigate the effect of six independents (hue, lighting, music style, familiarity, volume and broadcast) on purchase behavior at the same time and get the complete effect from specific service environment element.