人們的情緒是如何影響風險偏好及消費者決策行為呢? 基於先前研究發現,正向情緒會使人更為保守,然而負向情緒使人更愛冒險。本研究透過6個實驗(6種不同的消費行為)証實一個人的情緒狀況將影響人們的消費行為。 How does an individual’s emotional state affect risk-taking and consumer decision making? Building upon previous research, this article proposes that the effect of mood on risk-taking will affect consumer choice. The hypothesized effect of mood is tested with different types of consumer choice in six studies. Consistent with the hypotheses, the results indicate that subjects in a happy mood tend to be risk-aversive while subjects in a sad mood are inclined to take risks. Finally, implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.