根據1992年DeLone和McLean所發表的資訊系統(IS)績效評量架構,來衡量出個案公司在ERP資訊系統上,資訊的品質、系統的品質、系統的使用、使用者滿意、個人的衝擊、組織的衝擊這六個構面的績效評估,本文並以Balance Score Card的四個構面將組織的衝擊的內涵做出詮釋,並分析台灣企業在導入ERP時,有哪些導入的變數會影響企業使用資訊系統的績效。 本文將對台灣5000大企業作為研究對象,針對導入ERP系統和正在導入ERP的企業進行問卷調查,本文將研究三個變數對績效的影響:第一,研究「欲導入之所有模組全部上線」與「欲導入之部分模組已上線」和績效指標的關係,第二,研究公司「ERP系統來源」和績效指標是否有顯著的關係,其中「非購買ERP套裝軟體」分為由過去之資訊系統演化而來、自行重新開發、委外重新開發三者,最後本文也將討論「整體規劃一次導入」、「整體規劃分階段導入」、「逐步規劃分階段導入」,這三種導入方式的不同會不會影響績效。 The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between some implementation variables and performance of ERP system. DeLone and MacLean(1992) surveyed 180 articles attempting to measure information systems success and proposed an analysis framework, composed of six dimensions, for assessing the ERP performance in the post-implementation stage. In this paper, DeLone and McLean’s framework will be used to develop the ERP performance measures fit for ERP adopters of Taiwan. The implementation variables explored in this paper are ERP implementation statutes, ERP system sources, and ERP implementation strategies. Structured questionnaire were send to those companies listed in the TOP500 The Largest Corporations in Taiwan 2001. The research finding indicate that the company using non-packaged ERP systems, integral planning and having implemented all the planned ERP modules will have the better performance improvement.