對於導入ERP系統的企業來說,衡量ERP系統的成功或具效益是個相當重要的;但是要如何客觀而準確的衡量成功構面,確實是一件不容易意的事。過去的研究顯示,採用計量的方式衡量成功的ERP系統是相當困難的,目前多數的研究者仍採用主觀或者替代方式衡量,例如:使用者滿意度調查、科技接受模式、DeLone與McLean成功模式等。 因此,本研究採用DeLone與McLean於2003年提出修正的成功模式,納入科技接受模式的變數,衡量三家高科技企業204位使用者在準自願性使用情況下的ERP系統成功模式,透過線性結構模式(SEM)分析修正的模型,結果顯示高科技企業大量客製化報表的結果,會與使用者滿意度產生無關的現象,但若透過使用者的使用後效益(Benefit of use),則會提高使用者滿意度,顯示客製化報表需要與使用者產生密切關係,如此才會提高使用者的滿意度程度。另使用者的態度(Attitude)與使用者意圖(Intent to use)並無關係,顯示使用者操作ERP系統的意圖,多半受到使用的易用與好用有關,而正面評價ERP系統卻不一定帶來使用的意圖。 The measurement of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems success or effectiveness is critical to our understanding of the value and efficacy of ERP investment and management actions. Economic and quantitative measures for the success of ERP systems, however, are difficult to obtain. Researchers and practitioners alike often rely on subjective assessment and surrogate measures, such as end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) instrument, technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, 1989), DeLone and McLean model (1992), and updated DeLone and McLean model (2003). The purpose of the present study is to respecify and extend the updated DeLone and McLean model (2003) of ERP systems success in a quasi-voluntary ERP. Empirical findings are assessed in the broader theoretical context of IS success literature, including methodological issues related to measuring ERP system usage and incorporating the use of a modified form of Davis’s TAM use context. Structural modeling techniques are applied to data collected from the questionnaires answered by 204 users of ERP systems at three high-tech manufacturing firms in Taiwan.