近年來台灣產業結構迅速改變,傳統產業是帶動台灣經濟奇蹟的滾輪,隨著大環境的變遷,許多廠商都外移到大陸或東南亞地區,政府政策也傾向扶植高科技產業為主,選擇根留台灣的傳統產業,如何能夠成功升級或突破現狀,再度開創事業的新契機,這是本研究所要探討的議題。本研究採用個案探討的方式,以成功升級的傳產企業為對象,探討其如何能突破傳產企業逐漸勢微的窘境,經由產品創新、技術突破、市場成長等策略,再創傳產企業的新高峰。該個案公司為國內最大的砂輪製造商,擁有超過五十年之經營歷史,近年來透過產品升級等方式,成功將營運規模和績效大幅提升,不僅股票上市更晉身為國際一流的砂輪大廠。透過暑期親自到個案公司實習之體驗,並訪談各生產單位直接負責人,取得許多寶貴的資訊,本研究主要以BCG Matrix、SWOT分析和五力分析等理論來檢視該傳產企業的經營績效。分析其成功升級的競爭策略得知:傳產企業的成功基礎,奠定在獨特技術能力和低成本營運能力,而促使成功升級的關鍵在於市場導向的經營策略,將來更應該朝向多元化經營模式發展,期望本研究結果能作為其他傳統產業有心升級或突破現狀的參考依據。 Conventional industries are the main forces to drive economic development in Taiwan. Recently, the industrial structure in Taiwan changes a lot. Many companies left for China and also the government tends to develop high-tech industries only. The purpose for this research tries to find out how conventional industries could avoid downfall and upgrade their power for competition. The case of this research is the leading company of abrasive products in Taiwan and has had its history for more than fifty years. It upgrades successfully through technological innovation, lowering cost and market expanding. By way of my summer internship in this company and interviewing each factory director, I got many firsthand data to analyze. This research uses BCG Matrix, SWOT analysis and five-force analyses as tools to survey the company’s operation efficiency. The conclusions of this research are as follows: the key to success for conventional industry companies are specialized technology and low-cost operation. The key point for them to upgrade is market-leading strategy. To diversify is the final goal for conventional industry companies.